Friday, August 19, 2011

While the Slabbed Nation awaits the coming statement from Slabbed New Media LLC…

~Editilla Crowtellas~Thanks yous all for the email queries and Drake for the comment last post! Gentle'rillas, please forgive our lax postage this past week. I am deeply involved in fully gutting my new old home: Editilla's House of Piety. I closed on the 137 yr old duplex on Piety St on my birthday, February 15th, and this summer began commuting via Amtrak to Nola for 2-3 week Work Trips of very hard, dirty and revealing stripping it open. Some evil surprises came out, but good to find out and take care of now. Yet, alas, this trip has become 4-6 weeks, as one Big Dangerous Problem happened with the collapsing of the Post Federal Flood Road Home Addition on the back this past week that quite frankly threw me on my ass and held me there face down with abrasive angst and tense focus. It was so bad that I couldn't even talk about it to friends and family. It became intensely personal and a challenge that even now I remain loath to describe. But I finally decided to DISAPPEAR that ugly bad con'con carpentry, and thus we will have a Swank Back Deck overlooking a huge back yard. Perhaps I can get into blogging about this Piety House Project soon, but for now I hope this can explain my absence. How Ironic, eh? Here I am IN New Orleans and I can't even hang my New Orleans Ladder!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Rising Tide VI: Nominations still open for the Ashley Award~Get your registration on here
~Poster by Greg Peters~
Geaux New Orleans!

London's Katrina moment: James Gill
~There is little room for debate about the cause of our woes; the Corps of Engineers so botched our flood defenses that we were done in by no more than a glancing blow from a weakening hurricane. Blame is not so easy to apportion when gangs suddenly take to the streets intent on burning buildings, burglarizing businesses, assaulting police and generally terrorizing the populace.

It really happened... never forget 8/29/05

~Artifacts Not Politics