Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Dear Editilla,
This Saturday, we will plant the beautiful native flowers and plants in the rain garden of the Open Air Levee Exhibition and Garden!

We need volunteers!

WHEN: Saturday, June 27 from 8:30 am-noon
WHERE: 5000 Warrington Drive, east breach of London Avenue Canal

We recommend bringing gloves, shovels, pitch forks and folding chairs.


We will provide water, ice and shade. A nice neighbor is also providing her bathroom for your comfort!

Please RSVP by replying to this email so we know how much supplies to bring.
Don't do "dirt and worms?" Please consider a financial contribution to help build and maintain the exhibit and garden. Click here.

The Open-air Levee Exhibition and Garden will educate visitors about the New Orleans Flood. It will be a memorial to the souls who were lost, a commemoration of a pivotal moment in American history and a symbol of the residents’ resilience and determination to return home.

The rain garden is designed to hold rain water to nourish native plants and prevent rainwater from entering the city's drainage system. The Peggy Martin/Katrina rose bush will be the focal point of the rain garden along with Louisiana Irises.

Sandy Rosenthal
Founder, Levees.org