Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Maps are not the Problem: In Perpetuating a Myth, Horowitz Misses the Key Point ~Dr. Ezra Boyd, DisasterMap.net
~Andy Horowitz’s recent New York Times opinion piece on the new flood insurance rate maps for New Orleans contains a number of inaccurate statements, fails to address the fundamental issue, and amounts to nothing more than picking on the “cash-strapped New Orleanians” as they continue the long process of recovering from catastrophic levee failures that occurred over a decade ago. Many of the shortcomings of this piece have been pointed out here and here. In addition to the factual errors that these critiques raise, Prof. Horowitz perpetuates a fundamental misunderstanding of flood risk and how our nation manages it. In no way do the new maps suggest that flood risk has been eliminated, as Prof. Horowitz claims. In perpetuating this inaccurate cliche, the article dances around but does not directly address a fundamental flaw in the National Flood Insurance Program.