Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Claims upheld in CCC suit~TP

Bulldozers for the Poor, Huge Tax Credits for Wealthy Developers

{editor's note~Santa say hit the Road Ho Ho Ho!}

National Call Out~Come to New Orleans in December to Oppose the Bulldozers~Indie Media

Baghdad on the Bayou: Disaster Capitalism and the War on Equality

Jindal meets with President Bush, seeks hurricane recovery aid

Appealing The Appeals~TP

Should New Orleans get into the hate-crime business?~Bayou Buzz

Is Your Mac Reporting Back to the US Army Corps of Engineers?

Corps says own risk report ignores climate change~Advocate

{editor's quote~"There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once — shame on — shame on you. You fool me, you can't get fooled again."}

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers sued over dredging Beaufort Inlet

The levee failures - a second (and third) look~FMJ

Waste Management Inc. and the Army Corps of Engineers Win 2007 Waste News Environmental Award
{editor's Kafkatrina Lament~Shit in one hand, half a dozen in the other!}

Katrina funds~Break the bureaucratic logjam!~Jackson Ms

Whatever affects beach front owners affects us all

Celebration in the 9th: Pitt unites art, philanthropy~TP

DYK a "highly recommended tribute" to New Orleans~Chin Music Press

Commentary: Louisiana should promote area's homegrown jazz


Iguanas on Frenchman ~dba~Dec 8

Power Drive - Dec 5, 6, & 7

WWOZ~GAMBIT~Nola Tonight

Music Review~James Blood Ulmer 'Bad Blood In The City'~The Piety Street Sessions

Loyola University celebrates the season with a musical showcase

Upcoming Book on Pulitzers Reveals 2006 Jury 'Struggle' Over 'Katrina'

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