Thursday, April 3, 2008


This is the last post~Ashley Morris: the blog
Editilla weeps...Fortuna is a Cruel Reaper. Oh Noble Mon! What a loss!
Bless his funny fuckmook'n heart and his family and all who got a chance to know our Fearless King Blogger of da'Loyal Royal Smack Down.

Ashley, Liptrap, and Oyster were the very first NOLA Bloggers to encourage me early on and say "Cool, Dude! Go for it!"
The New Orleans News Ladder is directly inspired by Ashley Morris, Avatar of Sinn Féin

~"Proud to call it home, indeed."
"Fuck you Chicago Tribune. We are NEW ORLEANS. SINN FEIN."
~"We're New Fucking Orleans. We're still here."
~"If I do nothing else in my miserable career, if I can make somebody care about us, then its worth it. Because that's all that matters."
~"You're either for Cat 5 levees, or you're for the terrorists."
~"One day, one fine day, I will have a Zulu coconut. In the meantime, I have a Leviathan stuffed dragon. Well. OK. My cute little 1 1/2 year old daughter has a Leviathan stuffed dragon. But she lets me play with it."

ASCE Scandal?

"He (Raymond Seed) talks about the supposed cover-up. Well, our people live here in New Orleans ... We don't stand behind our work. We live behind our work."~Maj. Gen. Don Riley, the corps' director of civil works.
Editorilla begs somebody to differ~Excuse my lyin'eyes but I did indeed live and stand behind "their work" and it would appear that they sure as hell ran like nutria from a dogfight--Evacuated--from behind "their work"---in some cases even before "their work" failed too! And not that it matters but Don Riley doesn't live in New Orleans or behind any levees.
He did however have a hand in building a lot of them. Not that it matters...jus'sayin...
Here is his office address:

441 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20314
(202) 761-0008

Louisiana Guard Helping Save Crops from Louisiana Flood
~Spc. Micheal Champion of Bernice, La., carefully places a 3,000-pound, 4x4-ft “super sac” filled with soil along the levee north of the Morganza Spillway.

Build It and They Will Come and Greenwarsh it~Folkface

New Wetlands Mitigation Rule

The "Politics of Disaster" at AERA~Mike Klonsky

Lame Duck FEMA chief says don't expect free ice, generators after next hurricane
Editilla t'inkin along'da lines of MAINSTREET ,
you twit penis'head fool.

Flood-area residents begin evacuations~The Vicksburg Post
Mary Jenkins, who said last week she would know when to leave the area where she has lived for 52 years, and Charles Williams look out over Jenkins' submerged yard this morning as she prepares to evacuate. (Joshua Corban * The Vicksburg Post)

Exquixotic Corps of Engineers recommends So. Illinois residents be prepared for more flooding

Letter to the Editor, Hurricane Katrina and Disaster Preparedness~by Anna Maria Pou, M.D.

FEMA Trailer Resident Testifies before House Subcommittee

Katrina Lawsuit Stays in Federal Court

Senator Dorgan again on Iraq waste~Main Owl

Lack of disasters boosts profits at Lloyd's of London, Shakes Their Money Maker

NY prof gives Katrina dogs a home

Okay . . . Whatever you say

A Williams Fest's literary wrap-up and look ahead~Susan Larson

Warm up for Jazzfest at the Old Algiers RiverFest
Singer Germaine Bazzle performs with George French at theOld Algiers Riverfest.

Rhythm is My Business: The Life & Music of Milt Hinton

Benny Waters: Innovation in Longevity



  1. He was a character with lots of soul.

  2. Thanks for dropping by. Good to meet you! Looking forward to hearing more about the ditch digging mafia!
