Friday, May 9, 2008


US & France discuss ‘relief invasion’ as criminal junta keeps outsiders at bay~Burma's Foreign Ministry has confirmed that it does not want foreign relief workers to distribute the aid that has begun to flow into the cyclone-hit country, writes Edward Loxton for The First Post~8 pic Slide Show
Interactive Satellite Imagery~NASA MODIS

Tragic untimely death, Photos of Cyclone Nargis Victims~ Sit Mone

This blogger does not want readers to see the dead victims of Nargis Cyclone. Most of them were decomposed and some were very young children. The purpose of this link with due respect to the dead, and their loved ones is to sympathize those who were not fortunate, and to remind you or me or anybody can be in their place.
Another important reason is Military Junta of Burma is preventing International Aids and emergency disaster helps that could save several thousand lives for their own selfish paranoid delusion.
So please help Burmese people . linletkyalsin is a very outstanding blogger and activist from Singapore and you can find the group accepting donation and update of donation in her blog.~Sit Mone
Before anyone else gets any more upset about this editor posting the photo above,
let me tell you that during the Federal flood of New Orleans in August 2005, I saw a drownt child floating face-up beside the Industrial Canal.
I had gone that way in search of the levee breached,
but instead found the veil rent and casts aside.
She lay the ones above,
no one around to take her, no place to bury her,
no time to worry for her--because the sun was setting on the City That Care Forgot (and our own Presidente Left To DIE,) and the dark Dark Night was quickly falling over us all like a rat-bag.
Don't tell me New Orleans and Burma
aren't opposite sides of the same Coin of the Relm,
-and don't even think it cannot happen here.
8/29 will always be tomorrow for me no lie.
Never forget, we are all Sinn Féin!

Burma shuns foreign aid workers,

Impounds UN Aid Deliveries

The illegitimate ruling Junta's "foreign ministry" said Burma was happy to accept aid, but insisted
it would control the distribution itself.~BBC

Government-backed Union Solidarity and Development Association claims credit for disaster relief efforts
~Democratic Voice of Burma

Audio Diary - Tragedy in Burma: Charity workers 'break down' at scale of devastation
~The Scotsman

US Ready to Air Drop Aid to Irrawaddy Delta~Irrawaddy

NEW ORLEANS DAILY CRESCENT, Louisiana, March 8, 1861~Hat tip to Ashley.
Louisiana shoulda stuck to da'plan, eh, Noble Mon?

New recovery chief meets Coast leaders~Maj. Gen. Douglas O'Dell (USMC, ret.), Coordinator of Federal Support for Recovery and Rebuilding of the Gulf Coast -Courtesy U.S. MARINE CORPS

Flood Stage Levels current 'real-time' guage readings~USGS

The ugly side of disaster recovery
~ There are a thousand criteria to account for when selecting a disaster recovery (DR) site. The number of miles from your DR site to your production site and meeting your application recovery time objectives are just some of the variables that companies try to address. Now add "Create a movable DR site just in case" to the list.

An appropriate metaphor: New Orleans and the SPP
~Peter Julian

Austin and Memphis are 'Dream Destinations,' but New Orleans isn't?~Aungus Lind
~Editilla's always wanted say those words,
'Dream On Angus'. It just has a bullish ring to it.
~~Memphis is the stuff of white nightmares and black daycares, as Austin disappears her Barton Springtime. Nay, and verily these are examples of America going to Mall in a hand basket. Memphis would turn the Birthplace of the Blues and Rock'N'Roll into a city-owned juke box and forbids even baby strollers through the gates at the Beale Street Music Festival
~~But for Al Green's Full Gospel Tabernacle and the relentless dedication of the local Memphis Scene & Muscians of the caliber Billy Gibson and Charlie Woods that I heard on WWOZ's "Live from Bagdhad" show recently, and their congrooviants laboring away, holding forth The Beat from behind the Magnolia Curtain, Memphis would fall completely
into the Hell Relm of Huslte and Flow,
Black Snake'Moanin Plastic Rap,
the way of fools and silver'toothed devils.

~~They celebrate a drug-addled obese Nixoniac,
Redneck, RepoGothic, White'Boy Vegas Poodle,
who overdosed on his faux gold lame throne,
as: The King of Rock'NRoll. Butt...
They do do some mighty fine pig there
truly so.
~~New Orleans sews more music on a Monday night than either of these cities could field without bending over SXSW. I mean, WWOZ's on-air music listing often last nearly a half a joint! Jeez Louie!
Gimme a neat one an'lemme tol'ya, those who would coddle to such aspirations may dream of New Orleans--but they would be afraid to talk about it to anyone, not even their own smarmy'ass selves. Ya'heard me?
And a'nutter t'ing...t'ank you vury mush...
who else but Our Lovely Pucelle d'Orléans
could lay such a tag on an Old Saint Bernard?
Priceless. And how'but this for a Lucky Dog?

Green Puppy Born New Orleans
Editilla da'crees Good Omen fo'da Lucky Dog!
This might not have the sticking power of a
Pronto Pup or rate as high a White Buffalo or Jesus on'da Mainline, but lil'mon does shag
like a Dogtown Nola Rag...don't ya'think?

New Orleans Diary Vlll: Jazzfest‘08
~The Independent Ear

Jazz Giants-The Photography of Herman Leonard
Dexter Gordon
Also included are two of the many prints that were damaged after Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans in 2005. Mr. Leonard had evacuated his studio and archives there in advance of the storm, but without anticipating the levee breaches that followed it. So the two prints on display will depict not just their subjects, Duke Ellington and Charlie Parker, but also the physical experience of the flood. In a show that evokes a glossy past, they will represent a continuing story, like Mr. Leonard himself and the music he loves. Saturday through June 15, Morrison Hotel Gallery, 124 Prince Street, near Wooster Street, SoHo, 212-941-8770,; free.~NYT

Crawfish Fest brings Louisiana music, food, crafts to PA


Editilla gotta tol'yaz~ Jazz Fest is over.
But there is still WWOZ online!
And dat'what keeps
yer oh'so humble Editeurilla
outta McDonalds wit'a armful of throwin-pies!
Y'all check'em out and give'em a hat tip from me,
yer loyal'royal, Editilla O'rilla d'Aphasia,
--and make sure there's a little money in dat'hat!
I renewed my membership online and so can you.
(:-->Pledge Online<--:)
Thank you!
Viva La OZ! Viva La Pucelle d'Orléans!

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