Thursday, May 22, 2008


NOLA/Gulf: Deja vu all over again~Mike Stagg~Two news stories conspired this week to remind New Orleans residents just how fragile their recovery is — and how indifferent the Bush administration it to that recovery.
The first story was that a combat brigade of the Louisiana National Guard has been notified it will be heading back to Iraq.
The second story was that, after millions of dollars spent re-engineering and re-building one of the levees which failed after Katrina, the 17th Street Canal levee is leaking now.
~Editilla has been so in need to see a hot'shot smart blogger jump on this Levee Leak Set'Up, as I am way to psychologically disqualified to deal with true criminals such as the Corps of Engineers as Dictated by the current Junta Disaster Response Team.
~After yesterday's near complete breakdown upon seeing that new wet spot in front of the new levee, Editilla has gotten a grip and come to feel that the Corps may indeed be planning to flood the city again with obvious engineering malfeseance because they can and get away with it as we have seen. Why else would they sanction stuffing newspaper into levees? Why else would they call a 40 foot long "boil-seepage" a "little wet spot"?
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? Hardly a simple leak,
those levees are failing right before our lyin'eyes.

So when the city floods this next time Michael Chertoff can swing into action with DHS under Presidential Declaration, keen like a velociraptor to make up for his Operation Crucifix Assfuck of New Orleans in August '05 with an even more coldly efficient, much greater assfuck (ubberlative) replete with more Black Water Security and established camps in Texas and Arizona and bum'fuck whereva for evacuees. This is settled Law.
Remember how NeoConCons hate to get caught with their pants down. Laugh all you want, Gentle'Rillas.
What I
see in the AP Photo throws me all the way back to that first week of the flood. You do not want to go there.
Oh No No No.
I have met the enemy and he ain't us.

Living on Sponge Cake
~Wet Bank Guy

Forecast predicts unusually active storm season

Flood Stage Levels current 'real-time' guage readings ~USGS
Editilla ax'in everyone to get on the horn to the USGS about the Corps' levees failing again. The USGS is civillian and has proven that we can trust them in the way Mark Twain did
--with his Life, on the Mississippi.
This is the crux of the biscuit. Nothing else matters but sound levee constuction. Without adequate levees you can hang it up on the Rising Tide. There will be no NOLA blog-o-sphere. There will be no internet. There will be no community cohesion. There will be no WWOZ. There will be nothing but darkness, mahem and Black Water and Michael Chertoff unleashed. I was there.
The Corps has proven that they will kill us all rather than face their criminal negligence. Do I sound like I am kidding? We must take matters into our own hands. We cannot depend on the Times Picayune to cover this set-up for the next flood. Please join in opening the new Hurricane Season with Our Day of Action May 31st!

Review~The Great Deluge: Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans, and the Mississippi Gulf Coast~Mark Holden

New Orleans Is Not a Libertarian Experiment~John McQuaid

An improv on New Orleans
~pico @ Docudharma

Firms controlled by New Orleans Building Corp. CEO owe taxes
~Editilla grouses and hazards a guess~
Is this what they mean by: "ReInventing Accounting"?

McCain's Katrina Shame~Patriot Daily News Clearing House

Indian Guest Workers in New Orleans: "We Are Slaves Here"
~Citizen Orange

Katrina art an indelible watermark~Lolis Eric Elie

US Senate Passes 8.7B Appropriations For Louisiana and Gulf Coast~Bayou Buzz

Bill would send $6 billion to N.O.~Advocate

Senate OKs bill with Katrina relief~Picayune~Out of the three articles on this bill I will leave it to our Gentle'Rillas to decide the most informative. However, considering the Picayune least, Editila is more interested in the way the Picayune did not mention not a word of Senator Landrieu's statement for the record, from the Senate floor, pointing to the yesterday's article on the recently failed levees (leaks) (that means they are failing) as further evidence that the whole flood control system should be reorganized, and that this cast more doubt on the Corps ability to exute their mission as mandated by Congress. Why has the TP not pursued this failed levee story? Why coddle the Corps of Engineers that flooded their newspaper's offices? Must we have to fight the local newspaper as well to establish the 8/29 Commission?

Travelers shift gears as costs rise

How An Illinois Gal Got "Katrina Brain"~Spirit of Louisiana 1976

An Event Apart New Orleans~David Sutoyo

Gulf Coast preps for pet shelters during hurricane

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