Sunday, June 29, 2008


Drawn to New Orleans

Students from 152 Campuses Rally to Rebuild New Orleans on July 4th

Dog Town City Bark

No Flood Insurance Hangs 'Em High And Dry

Illinois flood assistance and hard truth~Many may be advised to give up homes not covered for flood damage.

Bill requiring mandatory flood insurance assailed
~Pending federal legislation requiring homeowners protected by levees and dams to buy flood insurance is being challenged by local and national leaders who say the proposal would force thousands and perhaps millions of people to buy insurance.

slabbed~Insurance news blogging the way ya'momma would'a fed it to'ya--if ya'momma was Molly Ivins and yer'daddy H.L. Mencken
...and yer uncle'daddy: Clarence Darrow

Insurance threat forces municipalities to reconsider flood maps

Jindal repeats right wing talking point about oil spillage after Katrina/Rita
~Your Right Hand Thief

Mike Huckabee falsely claimed "not one drop of oil was spilled" during Hurricane Katrina
~nea & verily nor could enough oileth passeth through even the butt of an angel what rideth a camel onto the head of a needle...that too!
~Editilla stigmatabates~
...and reposts this one from yesterday's Ladda, as it would appear from da'Noble Oyster's restless, relentless, reparteific, riparian, reptiliac, rigor mortificient, repo'maniacle hammering of this Demon onto the Cross of Jindal's record, to wit:
GOD IS IN DA'HOUSE and it is OK to LIE if that will make Jesus come early, prematurely premadonna.
Are we maybe looking at Vicodandy McSame's Wife's
White House Medicine Cabinet here: Vitter? Craig? Huckster? Jindal? Mitt? Jezuz Judaz Prezley...
--da'horrrraah--sssombody tt'row me a hhit off'dddat!

Aral Sea region, reproduction of a photograph of the Kokaral peninsula~UNESCO
United States Participation in UNESCO’s International Hydrological Program Intergovernmental Council Meeting
June, 2008

U.S. Threatened to Attack Saudi Arabia During 1973 Oil Embargo

Florida Buys U.S. Sugar to Save Everglades~Sugar land deal may open a natural path to restore the Everglades
~"There's clearly a philosophical divide between the Corps, who want to build more structures, and those of us who believe that nature can do a good job by itself,"
said Stuart Pimm, professor of conservation ecology at Duke University. "Yes, it could be a natural system, but only if the Corps could be persuaded not to over-engineer it."

City's reservoirs epicenter of flood fight

Turning a frown upside down ~James Bruggers
~The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers did their best to bury the important news in a press release it issued yesterday, following my inquiries about a problem at the leaky Wolf Creek Dam that I had heard about from unofficial sources.
"...closing the grout line with our current grout processes is not possible?"
If I were Jon Stewart, or if I lived down river from the massive dam that the Army Corps considers among its top five most dangerous, at those words I'd shake my head back and forth, make a funny noise and rub my eyes, as if to say, "What the %$&^?"
The dam is reportedly settling at a rate of one-eighth of an inch per year, but the section in question, has dropped nearly an inch in the past year.

Dams of death:
Army Corps of Engineers' secrecy puts lives at risk~David Cuillier

The Flood of 2008
~The Amateur Magician

Farm View: Farmers optimistic about fall harvest

Police see uptick in crime after flooding

Long road to recovery for arts groups

National Weather Service on Flood Threat to Those Downstream ~Kevin Gosztola

Farmers, Residents, National Guard shore up Missouri levees at West Alton, Portage des Sioux

BNSF Flood Advisory:
BNSF restored limited service over its Transcon route at 1:45 a.m. CT today, Saturday, June 28, when one of the two main lines near Marceline, MO., was re-opened. The second mainline track in that area remains flooded but is estimated to return to service late on Saturday, June 28, 2008.

Hike for a Cause, rebuilding our parks one step at a time
~On March 1, 2009, Katie Glennemeier, Adam Herman, and Jen Carlston, will begin a 2,200 mile charity hike of the Appalachian Trail,
from Georgia to Maine, to build a nature trail in
St. Bernard State Park, Louisiana.

Our trip to New Orleans
~Megan's Blog

Destruction.. ergo Construction
~Did We Survive Katrina or Not?

One vacationer's guide to New Orleans

Indonesian art & craft store takes root in French Quarter ~Jakarta Post

New Orleans musicians to kick off Democratic convention

FYYFF It’s Black and Gold Forever

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the comment! we are working with the state park, The donations will go straight to them.

    Our hike will begin the first week of march 2009.
    You have a great blog here. do you mind if I post a link in ours?
