Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Editilla gotta tol'yaz...
This Is Da'Moment!!!

~Wave -Current -Surge Information System for Coastal Louisiana

Editilla knows we are stuck on these satelite photographs of the Louisiana Coast. Please for now just bear wit'it. At their site you can hold the mouse down and move the pic/map all the way to the tip of South America if you want, or you can zoom into south La and follow the broken lung tissue from Grand Isle all the way to Galveston, Tx. One of my favs is to just follow the rivers, especially da'Big Muddy Mississip.
I grew up along that river, in the very antedeluvial bed of love and grief in the MS delta south of Memphis, and watched our Exquixotic Corps of Engineers lower our water table nearly 120 Feet, in just under 20 years, through incorrect and relentless dredging of creeks and bayous from the headwaters in the north to southward. Hence, they virtually created the massive flood control problems in the south delta that they are (of corps:) tasked by Congress to solve. This breed of machination I call Kafka-23...
~the delinquent Idiot Bastard Son of Catch-22.

Comment by Sandy Rosenthal, Founder, Levees.Org
~Saying NO to living in fear

The levees in New Orleans, like dams, are designed and funded by the federal government. But, the citizens of New Orleans and the metro region are now living in fear because they cannot trust the levee protection that the federal government controls. They cannot trust it for visible reasons, like leaking levees, but also for intellectual reasons. The official levee investigation done after Katrina that is being used to rebuild and fortify New Orleans' levees is intensely controversial for three reasons.
~First, the official study called the Interagency Performance Evaluation Task Force was managed by the same organization - the US Army Corps of Engineers - that is responsible for flood protection's performance. That is the most basic conflict of interest.
~Second, two significant respected levee analysis teams, the Independent Levee Investigation Team and Team- Louisiana have yielded results that conflict with the IPET in five (5) of seven (7) of the major levee failure mechanisms.
~Third, two ethics panels - one led by retired Congressman Sherwood Boehlert R-NY - are currently underway to examine charges that the Corps of Engineers colluded with the American Society of Civil Engineers to hide the mistakes of the corps, to intimidate anyone who tried to intervene and to delay the results of the IPET until the publics' attention had turned elsewhere. The results of those panels are expected in July 2008.
The citizens in metro New Orleans deserve levees they can trust.
For this reason, the organization I founded, Levees.Org is urging Congress to pass Senate Bill 2826 which would authorize the 8/29 Investigation Act - a truly independent and truly comprehensive analysis of the flood protection failures during Hurricane Katrina.

~This week, we're doing a strong push to get our Louisiana lawmakers on board. And we're doing a member drive for more local citizen voices to make a big groundswell.
And we're getting our commercials on as many TV stations as we can.
Thank you for supporting of the goals and mission of Levees.org!

Please see: Ladder's extensive description of the 17th Street Leak!

Once again, Special Thanks~Georgianne Nienaber

USGS ~Flood Stage Levels current 'real-time' guage readings

Jindal talks about snow balls - McCain - running for V.P.~WWL

Slabbed Welcomes our World Wide Readers Interested in Finding Ward Buel
~~Around in the GO Zone in 60 Seconds: WQRZ, Beauvoir, Quick Take & Katrina Relief

Blackwater in New Orleans?
OpEdNews.com~Let's go back a little ways to a lecture by Jeremy Scahill on Blackwater and other mercenaries in New Orleans during Katrina. He mentions how a Blackwater employee bragged about wasting some black gang-bangers on an overpass. Or was he just confusing them with "Hajis" in Iraq?

New Orleans and China
-Not So Different~Harry Shearer

Editilla has long considered New Orleans and Burma opposite sides of the same coin, particularly since cyclone Nargis. I agree with Harry, but jus'sayin...

Myanmar or Burma?
Wikipedia debates

Clean 09
Educational Congress for Laundering and Dry Cleaning

~The Clean Executive Committee met in New Orleans recently to observe personally that the city is ready for Clean ’09 scheduled for June 18-21, 2009.
La Pucelle d'Orléans meets Mr. Clean?

The Comiskey Park project in Mid-City vanishes, unfinished documentary nets tax credits~Susan Finch
~Comiskey Park Project Timeline

Louisiana, New Orleans Braces For Comedy Punch

McSame Visiting Louisiana This Week~CenLamar

What I love
--and left
~Beth Millbank

New Orleans Wine Bars
~Wine Goddess

Dispatch from New Orleans:
The sweet sound of power tools
~Ariane Wiltse

Patricia Nicholson Parker: Everyone Has a Vision
~all about Jazz

~At the Festival we will have three panel discussions: one called New Orleans: Culture, Crisis, and Community, another one on Jazz Factions and a third on Community and the Arts. This panel reflects our new initiative, the Rise Up Creative Music and Arts (RUCMA). The ideas behind all three panels are interconnected. The role that art plays in the healing of New Orleans: New Orleans is very visible to the world; what enormous problem it exemplifies, problems that afflict all our societies. That's what's compelling about it. It's not just a problem down in New Orleans. New Orleans brought up, for all of us, issues of culture and community and economics and racism, and the world's disregard for these things and how the needs of people of color, and the needs of the poor are not being handled effectively by our government. How do we function to overcome this and form a positive perspective? Here art is helping. Art helps transform us in real substantive ways. It is transforms neighborhoods and gives people hope. That's an example for everywhere. Not that it's not keenly important in New Orleans, but it's also keenly important in New York and anywhere else.
Rapp brings cool jazz to Weston

Gettin' funky with the Funky Meters

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