Friday, June 20, 2008


Special thanks GN, leading yer humble Editilla, arrant rantadour, back into the fold of the vidicated.

Good Morning, America,
How Are You?~Wet Bank Guy

go down water~Louis Maistros

The Floods: New Orleans, God, and Nature Can No Longer be Blamed~Georgianne Nienaber

Midwest Govs Ask for Quick Flood Relief~In response to the devastation in the Midwest as a result of severe storms, tornados and flooding, the 12 governors of the Midwestern Governors Association (MGA) sent a letter to Congress requesting quick federal action to assist in recovery, redevelopment and disaster mitigation.

Bush Makes 'Lightning- Quick' Tour Of Midwest Flood Destruction ~Huff Post

"I really don't have much of an opinion of his coming," said Lashawn Baker, 33, whose family was just starting to clean her flooded home in a southwest Cedar Rapids neighborhood. "It took him a long time to get to New Orleans and he didn't help any of those people, so I don't think he's going to do anything to help Cedar Rapids now that he's here."
~~Editilla does not apologize for reposting this video.~~

Talkin' New Orleans, Susan Cowsill's Coming to St. Paul ~Coleen Rowley

Susan Cowsill is currently
touring the midwest.

Radio stations collect flood relief for Minn., Iowa

Sand-bagging has begun along the Morganza Spillway.
The National Guard is helping prepare people who live along the spillway
for possible flooding.
Flood gauge:
Morganza Spillway, LA

Midwest floods expose outdated levee systems

Analysis: Flood crisis hits GOP, too

Research Group: Critical Flood Risk Study for New Orleans Overdue, Plagued by Errors
Editilla notes another, opposing report, finished in record time with 1/10th of 1 percent the funding of the ExQuixotic Corps' still unfinished IPET report:
Independent Levee Investigation Team Final Report.
It is equally important to note now how the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) employ state of the art Public Relations firms, like this one,
in order to
spin public perception of these tax-payer funded
~away from their (USACE/ASCE) culpability in its design, building, failure and repair.

We, American Citizens Pissed Off Drowning (ACPOD) deserver better return on our investment.
Please demand The 8/29 Commission.

NPR allows former Corps of Engineers Brigadier General to spin and tell Americans not to trust their levees!
~That they do not know where all the levees even are located. That your US Government is surprised that we, the tax American payer, ever believed them in the first place.
Editilla wondas~Why did NPR, or any national media, not interview other opposing views of Civil Engineering Professors, like Robert Bea, who beg to differ with this former Corps of Engineers manager's assessment of the National Levee System?

Flooding strands 100-plus barges on Mississippi

Missouri Small Towns Take Brunt of Floods~River Overflows 90 Percent of Levees in East Lincoln County

Wait. They can do that?
~Library Chronicles

Mute Math on the streets in
New Orleans~Music Under Fire

1 comment:


    Don't they know it's their fault for living there?
