Saturday, July 12, 2008


Army Corps of Ecology
~One Stop Thought Shop

A Firefighter’s Letter to the City
~casa de Charlotte della luna

NOPD Catches “Major” Criminals ~Gentilly Girl~We have the highest murder rate in the country and these pigs are going after the most helpless of folks instead of standing up and doing their real J.O.B.. These fuckmooks are the laziest and most cowardly shits I have ever seen. (And I did MP duty when in the Military… I know the job) The only law enforcement I can trust now is the National Guard here.~Editilla tosses Hat to the sky and bows low to da'Queen Tilla'Ranter~

Fired New Orleans Officer Suing Police Superintendent

Inmates open cells, brawl
~Faulty locks plague correctional center
Faulty Locks? Are they Kidding? They cannot even LOCK THEIR GODDAMN JAIL DOORS???
And yet, NOPD has plenty of time to Bait and Entrap Homeless People with open and unlocked cars and Kool cigarettes and a Sting Squad. What a forking Confederacy of Dunces. Rather than Cops protecting our city we have Actors in Keystone'ville.
Rather than Criminals in the Orleans Parish Prison we have thugs with their own get out of jail free card in a Crime Hostel.

A Note from
Matt McBride

Dear New Orleanians,

Recently, the Corps has started publishing detailed schedules for award of hurricane protection projects around New Orleans.
They published one in April:

and one in June:

Unfortunately, they do not include expected construction durations.
However, the information is still valuable.

I compared the two schedules and found the following:
There are 156 projects listed (though there's one on the April schedule that doesn't show up on the June one).
Of those, 84 have had their contract award dates pushed back at least one calendar quarter in the time between the schedules being issued. Only 16 were accelerated. 55 had no change in their schedule.

We already know of one project that won't be done by the June 1, 2011 date. At a meeting held on July 1, 2008, the Corps showed a presentation that, in part, gave information on work being done at the Orleans Lakefront:

Slide 22 shows that project LPV 101.02, which involves improvements between the 17th St canal and Topaz St, is not due to wrap up until 25 months after a 3rd quarter 2009 contract award date, which would put its completion well into the 2011 hurricane season. There are undoubtedly others.

All this delay is not due to cost sharing problems (i.e. delays that might arise from the state of Louisiana being unable to provide over $1.3 billion in matching funds). Of the 84 delayed projects, only 34 are cost shared, meaning the lions' share of the delays are completely due to the Corps.

Some notable delays:
- Permanent pump stations at the lake were delayed from 3Q09 to 4Q09. This is about a year after what has been put out there publicly.

- The Seabrook closure has been pushed back from 1Q10 to 2Q10.
I don't see how they could possibly have that done by 2011, assuming it's determined to be necessary.

- Three very large ($100-500 million) projects in Plaquemines, once scheduled to be awarded in the first quarter of 2010, have now been pushed back to 2011 at the earliest. All three are cost shared.

Again, feel free to forward this around.

Matt McBride
Sandy Rosenthal
Founder and Executive Director, Levees.Org

Flood-protection plans put on hold~The state will soon have to pay $1.8 billion in matching funds for $12.9 billion in federal money being spent to rebuild New Orleans area levees.
State officials have asked Congress to spread out payments on that money for 30 years, but so far have been rejected.
~Editilla say bend me over and t'row away the keys!~Can we spell Anti-Trust?
I is a compound word, and means much more than simple Lack of Trust in a particular institution. One must get slabbed just to come near getting one's head around just how badly and truly locked and loaded we are into the omnipotent
Exquixotic Corps Genital Mandate Masticators!
The Mafia Corps Syndicate has us all but good, eh? Who are we gonna call? We cannot even prosecute these dangerous criminals on The Last Time They Killed 1000s With Bad Engineering...and now we continue to believe them? They say it will cost so many BILLIONS and we have to just swallow that? Why?
Can we at least find competent engineers to do the pricing on these projects? Outside of ASCE, major Corpsuckles, who can the State of Louisiana (and by extension every State) hire to do this work?
Sooo it really was a guy named Eddie?
Itnessw'a on'da ssa'a uckf'a ereh'a?
Now we see why the Corps says they have such a problem with funding--because...
They will simply delay awarding contracts until we have had to risk a few more hurricanes (or actually get flooded again), get a good bit more afraid of flooding (if we are still alive) and through our fear of more flooding we will hand the Corps whatever they want. This is Bully Extortion by our own US Army Corps of Engineers. They are the Monty of 3 CARD FUNDING.
This is Criminal Racketeering plain and simple.

Levee panel may hire own experts~17th Street Canal stability questioned

Bayou Bienvenue still a mess three years after Katrina

2nd oldest US wildlife refuge in jeopardy~Cain Burdeau

Katrina recovery fund, programs restructured

One more small miracle
Please click pic for video->

New Orleans colleges recover after Katrina~Des Moines Register

Flood-aid drive raises $10,000 for Iowa~Houma Today

Air tests planned for flooding victims' housing

St. Louis Metro-east to get part of federal funding for Illinois projects

King County, WA may pass on $17 million in flood control funds

La Fleur Dilly Berto
is what
La Fleur
brings to Berto.

Truman Lo's photo of Jackson Square chosen best New Orleans photo.

I think there’s a cricket in here ~City of Saints

Tales of the Cocktail ~Chowhound

On changing cities ~Chasing Ray

New Orleans Running Of The Bulls

Amy at NAD in New Orleans

For Wynton Marsalis,
‘The cause is people’

Music Of My Mind:
One Man Machine
~Noah Bonaparte Pais

1 comment:

  1. I've been checking in on your page regularly. Don't get a chance much to comment -- been so busy with work and family life.

    Feel free anytime to use my pix. -- love the exposure. This week I have a bunch of new pix of the birds at Audubon Park. Going to start with them early tomorrow morning.

    Keep up the good work.

    --steve buser
