Thursday, October 16, 2008


"Black Hawk Down", Banned at Louisiana High School!
~Editilla Crowellas~
Kill the dirty little Thought Criminals!

The non-fiction, teacher assigned book about our soldiers' Heroism in the heart of darkness, by
Mark Bowden, was pulled from the classroom Oct. 3,
after a parent complained about the author’s use of curse words, officials said. Blaine Degruise, secondary school-instruction supervisor, said he agrees with the ban because the school code of conduct prohibits students from using profanity. "To read a book with such language is contradictory," he said.
The day was the 15th anniversary of the book’s events and the end of the 27th anniversary of Banned Book Week. Just before the class returned their books, students marched to the school’s flagpole and sang “The Star Spangled Banner” as a group.

Liptraps Lament - The Line

Special Thanks Zig Modeliste and Citizen K

Chris Rose: “We’re treated as heroes…we’re the most relevant local paper in the country" ~Kevin Allman
Special Thanks~Library Chronicles
~Editilla Gotta Ax'l Rose! Tag, Bitcha, You ITcha!
Welcome to the PT Barnham School of Shameless Self Promotion! You are so bad ...and I'll bet big... and you can Cuss too! Ooooohhh fella!
Slow Book Sales?
~32 used & new, from $3.63
Here's an idea, why don't you do like this fellow'dick, and just buy back 1000s of copies of your own little piece of K'ville and land on the NYT Best Seller List, and then go on Opra... go somewhere --rather than misrepresenting yourself as a journalist from here, free of financial conflicts of interests. Objective Slob'jective!

Price for new lock swells to $1.3 billion, says Exquixotic Corps
~Mark Schleifstein

~Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority-East

Matt Faust's video 'Home' won "Best Experimental Award" of the 2008 New Orleans Film Fest
~Awards List

~casa de Charlotte della luna

An everyday trauma is tinged with the extra pain of violation and betrayal. ~Jim Gabour

Jindal trip raises ethics queries ~Marsha Shuler
~Shortly after being sworn in, Gov. Bobby Jindal took a trip to California that was paid in part by Koch Industries — a private U.S. company whose founder helped start the conservative John Birch Society and whose Louisiana holdings have been granted tax credits by state government.

AIG’s Greenberg spends almost quarter billion to clear his name - then takes the 5th ~slabbed

Disaster Accountability Project Uses Citizens To Help Monitor Emergency Response

Promise of post-Ike jobs a washout for Florida roofing subcontractors

Louisiana helps out with huge collider ~Jordan Blum

Ruhl, Salzman, & Goodman on the Ecosystems Services Mandate

WWOZ Fall Membership Drive! Oct. 6 to 16

1 comment:

  1. Soldiers use profanity in the heat of battle? If that weren't disillusioning enough, now one of them is running for president. What is this country coming to?
