Monday, February 9, 2009


Federal housing subsidies to end March 1 ~Jeremy Harper

La. hospital empty as debate rages over funds
~Rick Jervis and Brad Heath

Live and Die for Carnival
~New Orleans Murder Blog

Should Mardi Gras be a national holiday?~Kathrine Schmidt

Rebirth by the Lake
~Cindy Chang

What is A “Primary Residence”?
~Gulf South Free Press

Obama seeks grass-roots support for stimulus~Mark S. Smith

Why Not a Community Organizer's Economic Recovery Plan?~Jeffrey Buchanan

Stimulus haste could waste billions, experts say
~Robert O’Harrow Jr

Local levee director heads to Netherlands wetlands conference ~Maya Rodriguez

Could Gerry Galloway replace
JP Woodley as Asst. Sec. of the
Army for Civil Works?

~Editilla axs~Aren't we tired of ASCECORPS yet?
Given his vast experience in building our nation's failing flood control structures, one has to ask if Gerald Galloway represents part of the solution to this threat or part of the problems facing us every flood season up and down the Mississippi River.
Now Galloway shows up in Louisiana, recently becoming a member (pro bono) of Gov. Jindal’s Coastal Advisory Commission. Go Figure. Got any presidential appointments?
Go Fish!~Yes! He (may very well) can!
~Gerald Galloway Titan Corporation Googled
~Gerald Galloway's Bio
~In a telling appointment that has not been discussed, Galloway was on a committee that addressed issues relevant to proposals to draw water from the Great Lakes. This is the elephant in the room that the USACE is avoiding. What is the water management policy of the United States? The aquifers are drying up, and development engineering that allows massive runoff of surface water because of concrete and curb and gutter construction is continuing. Galloway knows this, but his "spin" was that, like the Dutch have done, the US. needs to prepare for 1,000 year floods. This distracts from the issue of engineering malfeasance in the present, and local water zoning ordinances that are not enforced in flood plain communities.~The Floods: Army Corps Says PR Firms Transform "Babblers" into "Spokespersons"

Smothering streams
~Jessica Hall

Whale shark sightings on rise in Gulf of Mexico ~Janet McConnauhey

~A whale shark surrounded by cobia is shown as it swims in the Gulf of Mexico off the Texas coast in a 2008 photo. There have been at least 70 sightings in 2008 of whale sharks in the Gulf.
~AP Photo/University of Southern Mississippi

In the Electric Mist

Atheist Campaign in New Orleans ~Metousiosis

angels and people / life in
New Orleans

Live Green Orleans Launches: ~Karen Dalton-Beninato

North Mississippi Allstars Plus Hill Country Revue @ Tipitina's New Orleans 2/13/09


  1. Dear Editilla:

    Have you seen my new blog entry about writers in New Orleans? Would you consider hanging it?

    all best,

  2. Duly hung by da'Ladda wit'care! Great work, Korn!
