Sunday, May 17, 2009


ObamaBush, Obushama...
--The Can'churian Candidate--
(Hell, we no longer know what to call this... Promise Breaker) EPA "fixes" 42 of 48 new tortuous mountaintop removal mining permits!~Ken Ward Jr.

~The Obushama administration has cleared more than three dozen new mountaintop removal permits for issuance by the Corps of Engineers, drawing quick criticism from environmental groups who had hoped the new president would halt the controversial practice. ~More rape scene photos here.
~Editilla gotta ax~What Is Wrong With This Picture?
At least 2000 acres of stripped mountain top in the photo above, at least. So the Promise Breaker has now approved the stripping of well over 85,000 ACRES of NEW STRIP MINES? HELLO?
Judas fuck me with a broom! How is this "Clean Coal"?
Looks like a goddamn heinously stupid tar baby pit to me!
We voted with such Hope ---but we get nothing but DOPE!!!
Editilla would apologize for my foul language here. But I cannot, having voted for this Promise Breaker. I thought I voted for more than simply an end to the Bush Status Que (BSQ).
The last thing
I expected this administration to do would be to Expand Strip Mining! However, it appears that our great Hope offers nothing more than another Rope from which the fossil fuels industry can hang us again and again. Great. Just Fucking Great. Oh well... whoever said anything about Peace, Love and Understanding probably did not understand the difference between Politics and Governance, unlike Presidente Bush --who, it should be noted, never said anything as stupidly can-can Bourgeois Naivety as the "Audacity of Hope"--and not once misunderestimated the Power of Moloch to Change the World.

Drove my Chevy to the Katrina Canal Breaches Consolidated Litigation (part 1) ~slabbed
~Today is the day we start the mind-boggling task of looking at the Katrina Canal Breaches Consolidated Litigation.
Inclusive of Robinson v US Army Corps of Engineers, MRGO, we begin with an examination of the impressive infrastructure of the case established in Case Management Order Number 1:
Protocol for Case Management.
Please click pic to enlarge.

New study has found that 67% of the fatalities in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina hit resulted from direct impacts of the flooding that occurred when the levees collapsed.
~Mortality rates were highest in areas near levee breaches, particularly the severe breaches in the Lower 9th Ward where flooding occurred extremely rapidly and the velocity of the water caused drowning and collapsed buildings.
In all, 518 out of the analyzed 771 deaths in New Orleans resulted from direct exposure to the flooding, according to the results of the study “Loss of Life Caused by the Flooding of New Orleans After Hurricane Katrina: Analysis of the Relationship Between Flood Characteristics and Mortality,” which is reported in the May issue of the peer-reviewed journal Risk Analysis, published by the Society for Risk Analysis.

Terrebonne Parish releases draft of emergency plan~Naomi King

~Robert Draper

~Former defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld has always answered his detractors by claiming that history will one day judge him kindly. But as he waits for that day, a new group of critics—his administration peers—are suddenly speaking out for the first time. What they’re saying? It isn’t pretty.
“What Rumsfeld was most effective in doing,” says a former senior White House official, “was not so much undermining a decision that had yet to be made as finding every way possible to delay the implementation of a decision that had been made and that he didn’t like.”
A final story of Rumsfeld’s intransigence begins on Wednesday, August 31, 2005.
Two days after Hurricane Katrina made landfall in New Orleans—and the same day that Bush viewed the damage on a flyover from his Crawford, Texas, retreat back to Washington—a White House advance team toured the devastation in an Air Force helicopter. Noticing that their chopper was outfitted with a search-and-rescue lift, one of the advance men said to the pilot, “We’re not taking you away from grabbing people off of rooftops, are we?” “No, sir,” said the pilot. He explained that he was from Florida’s Hurlburt Field Air Force base—roughly 200 miles from New Orleans—which contained an entire fleet of search-and-rescue helicopters. “I’m just here because you’re here,” the pilot added. “My whole unit’s sitting back at Hurlburt, wondering why we’re not being used.”
The search-and-rescue helicopters were not being used because Donald Rumsfeld had not yet approved their deployment—even though, as Lieutenant General Russ HonorĂ©, the cigar-chomping commander of Joint Task Force Katrina, would later tell me, “that Wednesday, we needed to evacuate people. The few helicopters we had in there were busy, and we were trying to deploy more.

Sunday Funnies~Citizen K

Joe Longo's "warning to us all"
~Library Chronicles
~Longo's main trick is to compare Stacy Head's widely-discussed "Wal-Mart" email with a blog entry by local art gallery employee Leeandra Nolting elegantly entitled, A Guide to the Douchebags Who Come Into My Gallery. That's right. We're reading someone start with the ridiculous assumption that the statements of a public official are weighted equally with those of some art-chick's blog entries and then run with that.

James Carville has returned to Louisiana~Allan M. Johnson Jr.

Planting a perennial border in New Orleans~Colleen Smith

Sidewalks~Squandered Heritage

Pittsburgh's GTECH Strategies helps to remake New Orleans
~Bill Toland

Swiss Roll With a Simple Raspberry Filling~Tung in Cheek

Savory, Spicy Yams
~In Gillette's Kitchen

Louisiana Gets Crafty

Day at Arthur Roger,
McGarrell at Heriard-Cimino
~Inside Art New Orleans

Gibsland aims for success with Bonnie and Clyde Fest
~Cynthia V. Campbell

Buddy Montgomery Is Gone

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