Friday, July 24, 2009


Neighborhood opposition spurs Port of New Orleans to rethink plans for Cold Storage facility, further commentary
~Jen DeGregorio

Jus'sayin Anhydrous Ammonia makes water burn!

Organizing Works!

James Gill: Oops! Did anyone in New Orleans City Hall check the charter before agreeing to VA hospital deal?

Ruth’s Chris, Well Done or Rare?
~Joe Nocera, NYT

~"I’m writing now to fill you in on some good news.
I know you were skeptical about their donation of the building to the community.
It seemed rather vague. But the outcome has been very good. They donated the flagship to the Tulane Community Medical Center that was formed after Katrina."
~Randy Fertel
~Which of these two seemingly contradictory statements by the beneficiary (don’t mean to criticize, I’m sure she does great work, but recipients of corporate largess often have to dance on the head of a pin) is true? “…to build a better city rather than recreating the old,” or, “…an economic development opportunity for a damaged neighborhood that is repopulating and wants to restore”?~P.W. Meek

Wet Bank Screed (Slight Return)
~Odd Bits of Life in New Orleans

Construction of barrier closing the controversial Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet now complete, Corps of Engineers' PR says
~Editilla Mo'tellas Ro'tella on'da Ho'tellas~
This story is from yesterday's breaking news, and we carried it further due to the spirited commentary still developing there. However, this story is getting published again, in today's breaking news, the exact article verbatim under a different title.
Why would the T-P/ feel so compelled to Repeat an article like this? For one thing it offers a fresh new comments section to direct attention away they busier, fuller comments of yesterday. Another reason the T-P might want to Blow the Corps, 2 days in a row, could be that the T-P/ has become negatively influenced by its conflict of interests with the Corps Public Relations firm OPP, which places all the Corps Advertising in this media --and could have even had a hand in getting the former founding editor of laid off just as he was uncovering Corps Computer Fraud.
Since we have gotten No Answers from the Editor of the T-P regarding this, we have to go with what we got, and what we gots stinks to high heaven!
~UpDate~ How queer. I don't know about y'all, but the comments sections for Both of these articles have gone kinky for yer'oh'so humble Editilla and won't let me on to have my say.
Gentle'rillas know well how that makes me an undull Beotch'wolf, so y'all try to comment too --on Both of these articles of the exact same story. How Bloody Kafkatrina.

In the world of online comments, there are plenty of opinions, but few names~Shaun Hittle

Why the Birthers?
~Harry Shearer

~Editilla gotta ax~ Why not the After'birthers?

Chemical Cartography
~Alex Woodward

Judge's ruling creates economic uncertainty for Square artists
~Richard A. Webster

~The ability of artists to sell prints of their original work on Jackson Square has taken a crushing, and potentially fatal, blow thanks to a federal judge ruling in favor of the city on Monday.
Tanner James said prints represent 95 percent of his sales.
"This is like losing a full-time job," he said. "I'm stunned. Everybody is talking about leaving the city. The people who sell prints are hands down the best artists out there. This is just bad for the city. I pay more in sales tax in a month than a lot of the anti-print artists make in a year."

Behind the Curtain of the Louisiana Charter School Experiment~Alobar Greywalker

Moving to New Orleans,
fried chicken's secret ingredient
and more~Manuel Torres

Photos:Tarpon Rodeo kicks off
~Susan Poag

~2009 Miss Grand Isle Brittany LeBeouf, 18, presides over the start of the Crab Races during the 88th Grand Isle Tarpon Rodeo.

LSU baseball coach to sing at Chicago's Wrigley Field

The Houses of Worship Security
~The world's largest security training organization has opened a new church-security division and will instruct churches how to prevent and respond to violent crimes at its annual conference in September.

Tea Party Freak'O'lays Flood B.R. Over Health Care

Keep Your Hands Off My History (and Science Too)
~Running With Lumpy

Report blasts FEMA on storm trailer formaldehyde
~Cain Burdeau

Current, former Saints sue movie studio~Alan Sayre

New Orleans Greens
~Lisa Koening

Cool Blog'O'lert! Cool Blog'O'lert!
Best of American Beer and Food

Don't miss this Ned Sublette article & interview~t. tex's hexes

Larry Blumenfeld: New Orleans After Katrina~Truthdig

Roadside Graves plays Nola 8.5
~Captains Dead

The Radiators, a Jeremy Davenport party, and more from Keith Spera's Trick Bag

HOTG Summer Concert Series, Part 2~Home of the Groove

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