Sunday, August 9, 2009


Chris Rose: We finally may be in the post-K era~Chris Rose
~After a few relatively idle summers, I took my kids on a rambling American road trip for a few weeks. But, after having been back for a few days and talking about my trip with friends, it dawned on me that the most significant thing about the trip might not have been what happened during it -- but what didn't.
Here's what didn't happen: Once I identified myself to strangers as a New Orleanian, no one hooded their eyes, reached to touch me softly on the wrist and inquire in a hushed, cautious tone -- as one might, of a very sick relative -- "how is everything?"
~Editilla takes a pilla~ Well, Chris, everything is still sucking pretty badly, "everything" is "Not OK".
Y'all probably won't like me for this, and I really hates to pee on Chris Roses' vacation road food here. We do love him, buuuut...
Our errant gumshoe may have finally moved past his own post-K Depression Era Angst and into the safe old Age of Abilify, but it appears that much of the rest of this country has been drinking the Pharma-Culture Cool-Aid long before the flood and still seems (in my view) to priss'antly misunderestimate our New Orleans and the real trauma, an added deeper denial still sinking this Nation since its Exquisite Corps of Engineers flooded our World Class City on August 29th, 2005,--and its Presidente left us to die.
Still, I'm honestly glad Chris Rose is happier these days.

Corps of Engineers must banish its old ways~T-P editorial

Play it again Sam. No Amount of PR will cover what insurers did to the people here after Katrina. ~slabbed

Bossier v State Farm – collateral damage or just really bad bad faith claims handling? ~nowducit

African wave 99L may develop; Felicia threatens Hawaii;
record rains from Morakot
~Jeff Masters

Microsoft's Gates updates hurricane solution~Zack Poche
~The New Orleans Levee~Weeks after unveiling his plan to combat hurricanes by means of an elaborate fleet of barges that pump cooler water to the surface of the Gulf of Mexico, Microsoft founder Bill Gates has proposed a simpler and more elegant solution to stopping nature’s fiercest storms: Windows Vista.
“If Vista can totally halt operations and destroy productivity at multinational corporations, I am confident it can freeze a tropical storm in its tracks,”
Gates said.
"By simply upgrading a hurricane running Windows XP to Vista, we create a fairly significant possibility that the storm will immediately stop rotating and have to be rebooted,”
Gates said. “By the time it reboots and makes landfall, it should pack nothing more than a refreshing summer drizzle.”

New Orleans mayor's race notably short of candidates

Is Obama Punking Us?
~Frank Rich
~H/T~ReBelle Nation

Oregon airport seeks to fill wet- lands, cut threat of bird strikes

HBO's chillingly good series 'True Blood' comes to Louisiana, and the cast and crew taste and feel the real thing~Dave Walker

A fundraiser for the rescue
organization tied to the
Feast of St. Roch~Sheila Stroup

Famous French Bread
~Elizabeth's Edible

~Editilla Notellas~ This is a new blog find for us, and one that goes straight to our special list of Stitch'hikas.
We hung yesterday's post today en lieu of their use of Whole Wheat French Bread for Pizza. It was a hard toss with their "Not so Crabby Cakes" today. Suffice to say, this is one of those food blogs that I can't stop looking at and will damn sure follow.
But I have found a dilemma with WW and Poboys, in that it never works for me. While I do enjoy Whole Wheat Bread, it has never impressed me as French Bread... and I gotta have that Fresh Crispy WHITE French Bread that EXPLODES when you bite into the sandwich. Also, to Editilla's errant pallet, the flavor of WW has always lent itself to a Subway rather than the Neutral Ground.
Jus'sayin... y'all make sure to fang around this Lady's site,
if you love to eat that is... if not then, well, ahem... ewe.

My favorite iteration of this song yet, outside of Leadbelly 'course


Sam Henry Jr. concocts a Louisiana-Texas 'Potpourri'
~Jim Beal Jr.

This Marsalis plays trombone
~Charles Greenfield

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