Sunday, August 23, 2009

Obama spins not visiting New Orleans on Anniversary of Federal Flood, reinforces failures of Corps of Engineers
~Editilla Ho'tellas~ No more Mr Nice Guy fo'da Lie!
Tell me if this sounds like our smart sexy full of (ahem) Hope President actually Gets It?
"I think that Katrina was really a wake-up call for the country -- about our need to fulfill our commitments to our fellow citizens, a recognition that there but for the grace of God go I, that all of us can fall prey to these kinds of natural disasters."

My letter to the White House website last night:
Please feel free to copy and send.

Mr. President,
I am stunned actually that you have become so clueless about why New Orleans flooded on 8/29/05, but, given your apparent reliance on the Corps of Engineers for New Orleans' flood safety,
I am downright angry at your incredible naivete of Who is giving you this False Information. It was NOT a Natural Disaster, as you stated in your interview with the Times-Picayune recently.
We call that: "THE KATRINA LIE".


I have to ask, what NATURAL DISASTER?
New Orleans flooded because the Corps did not build our flood walls correctly the first time.
They admitted this in Open Federal Court.
Those flood walls failed in 53 different places, with the most catastrophic failures at 3 of them BELOW DESIGN SPECIFICATION AT HALF LOAD. Half load, Mr President.

It really frightens me that you do not know this.
It terrifies me that you are Not commanding the Corps of Engineers but apparently allowing them to command you.
This is a Big Problem for the entire country, as 41% of us live near a Corps built levee. Over a million acres of land has flooded in just the past 2 years because of Corps levee failures across the country. I cannot believe you are so dense. Mr. President,
please take Command of your Corps of Engineers.

Mr President, you just lost my vote, and (so far) 17 of my friends who worked so hard to get you elected. This matters.
What an absolute let-down. I want you to understand,
I will work for whoever wants to run against you.

Ask yourself why I would be so angry about the Katrina Lie.
I have decided to go Zero Tolerance of this MisInformation, because if/when our levees fail again it will be the same engineering mistakes that crucified New Orleans on 8/29/05, and we will have to deal with the same Corps of Engineers' shell game of obfuscation about Natural Disaster.
This status que must stop somewhere.

Mr President, you said:
"a recognition that there but for the grace of God go I,"
But, You are not coming to New Orleans for the Anniversary of the Federal Flood. You went on vacation, to nice expensive Martha's Vineyard. This is so sad.
I really believed that you would know what you are talking about, but you don't. And it hurts very deeply.
Now I feel so silly as we go from the Audacity of Hope to the Gall of Confusion.

Thanks Mr. President --For Nothing.


  1. Thanks Herry! You are pretty Bad Ass yourself!
    We hung you onto Monday's Ladder, and our list of Stitch'hikas.
    We'd be honored to hang on yours.
    Keep it Swingin', Noble Rock'Mon.

  2. I had to write the White House too. This is what I sent:

    Dear President Obama,

    The Times Picayunne reported on their interview with you the other day and I am disturbed by what I read and further disillusioned with our federal government.

    First, I am very disappointed you will not be here on the anniversary of our very major catastrophe. Please remember our destruction helped you win this election.

    Second, much more importantly, I am totally flabbergasted to learn you apparently think our deaths, destruction and losses were due to a natural disaster. It was not. Our outfall canal floodwalls collapsed long before even being overtopped (at only about half their design load), because of severely negligent engineering design of the floodwall foundations by US Army Corps of Engineers engineers as reported in all three levee failure investigation reports.

    Our disaster being called natural and an act of God is a damaging myth spread by the USACE in an effort to deflect blame and improve their image. They lie all the time and manipulate the system to the advantage of their industry. They have been imensly rewarded for their mistakes in New Orleans.

    We need and deserve vindication on this issue in New Orleans.

    Katrina (and ruthless insurance companies) devastated the MS Gulf Coast, but New Orleans suffered the worst engineering disaster in the history of North America. Please publicly recognize that fact.

    The USACE admitted to Congress their extreme negligence and responsibility for these failures in June 2006. They were solely responsible for the federal levee failures. US 5th district Judge S. Duval ruled that the Corps was responsible for the losses last year. The levee failures had nothing to do with our corrupt and incompetent local levee boards, our corrupt local politicians, environmentalists, an overwhelming storm surge, weak soil, our culture, barges or any of the excuses the USACE promotes. It was the USACE that caused our disaster.


  3. Thanks Ray.
    You have pretty much validated everything I have been through every day and night since they flooded our city. You and Sandy Rosenthal are the only people other than Ashley Morris and Oyster who have made me feel this... errah... (not)ok and (un)comfortable or at least normal to go insane for getting this angry and going after the Corps over what has gone down in New Orleans. For me everything follows from that first week of 8/29. Everything. I'm not saying that's right but that it just is.
    I sure hope Obama comes around.

  4. Editilla,

    I cannot express how much I appreciate you and the others fighting to correct the lies about New Orleans' catastrophe.

    You know, the Corps expects us to get confused about whether or not reality is reality or if perhaps the Corps is innocent and we're the ones that are nuts. But, I'm pretty sure you and I are correct and they are trying to distort reality.

    Like you, I'm outraged by the slander and ignorance and lack of empathy for our plight that is all too common amongst our fellow US citizens. I'm disappointed, disillusioned and well... my feelings are really hurt by how we've been lied to, cheated, scapegoated and slandered. I feel as though I was reborn and awakened post-k with knowledge and feelings I never wanted. I'm totally shocked by the extent of my pre-k naivety. Call me a fool, but I used to trust federal engineers because of their deep resources and nearly infinite corporate knowledge and because I was a very dedicated one in a different government entity for too many years. I had no idea how corrupt, retarded and in-bred the USACE and the whole civil engineering community had become. I've gone nuts over this and have even had to stop attending meetings where CORPS critters might be present because I'm afraid I might behave in a manner I might regret. We deserve vindication.

    The president should visit and do a nationally televised 7pm live speech in Jackson Square and spend thirty minutes telling America the truth. Anything less is just wrong.


  5. "who have made me feel this... errah... (not)ok and (un)comfortable or at least normal to go insane for getting this angry and going after the Corps over what has gone down in New Orleans. For me everything follows from that first week of 8/29. Everything. I'm not saying that's right but that it just is.
    I sure hope Obama comes around."

    P.S. I'm sad to say, I think I know exactly how you feel. -it ain't just you bro.


  6. Thank you again, Ray. We do deserve vindication.
    And for Editilla it goes beyond even that...
    We go to V for Vendetta.

    Beware the Red Dust
    of the 29th of August,
    when the sky laid down
    in the streets. And blood
    tears chased our fears
    through the darkness with shears
    for the Reaper was ready to eat.

    Even Our Lady of Prompt Succor
    left her maiden to suffer
    and her sisters in merciless pain
    Not even Crows left screaming Her name.

    Beware the Red Dust
    of the 29th of August
