Saturday, August 1, 2009


Children in Gaza attempt to set Guinness world record!

Beware of Louisiana beaches!?!
~Robert Zullo

~The report comes as eight of 10 beaches at Grand Isle and Fourchon remain under a bacteria advisory for high levels of enteroccocus and fecal coliform bacteria.
For much of this month, including last weekend’s Grand Isle International Tarpon Rodeo, which drew anywhere from 15,000 to 20,000 visitors to the island, the majority of local beaches were under the advisories.
Photo Above: Enterococcus faecalis
Photo Right: Fecal coliform bacteria
~Editilla Zenzuellas~ Shit Happens, eh?

Culture and Race in New Orleans
~Harry Shearer
~On a larger scale, the city made a statement early on about itself and its culture when the first Mardi Gras after the flood took place, despite the well-intentioned warnings of many that it was "sending the wrong signal".
New Orleans held that Carnival--a wounded, rollicking two-week display of righteous civic sarcasm against all who had failed the city--because, as so many folks here said, "that's what we do".
~Editilla Notellas~ These are different conversations in a TPM Cafe' discussion of Plenty Enough Suck To Go Around. Please fang around and check out the others.

Johnny Adriani catches LSU
"fly in the ointment", LSshUfly!

More homes rebound from Katrina~John Pope

Mayor: FEMA’s method to label flood areas awry~Bob Anderson
DENHAM SPRINGS — Mayor Jimmy Durbin has challenged proposed new federal flood maps that he said could result in some residents needlessly having to purchase flood insurance.
“Base flood elevations were changed on the flood maps without performing a new flood study,” Durbin says in a letter to the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
“When verified by our engineering firm through field surveys, the flood maps have been proven to have discrepancies between” proposed new benchmarks and the old benchmarks, the letter states. FEMA officials are reviewing the letter but have not responded, FEMA spokeswoman Cindy Wirz said.

Flood Mitigation and Risk: For every benefit there is a cost. Free lunches are only available in Oz ~slabbed

City Park projects will get $4.3 million from state
~Amber Sandoval-Griffin

Cemetery scandal creates 'a real sense of betrayal' of black history
~Rupa Shenoy

East St. Louis and Vicinity Hydrogeomorphic Project
~Quinta Scott

~Old Channel, Cahokia Creek, Abandoned
~Editilla Photobellas!~ That is a picture of a photograph,
not a painting, or a window through your computer into Nature.
However, that may be a slight breeze down the back of your memory, even the smell of fresh mud between your toes, a thrill
of learning to swim where we called them "Narrows" or "Bogues",
yet Missouri Yankees call'em "Bottoms". Editilla jus'sayin...
the photograph is That Good when it can leave a taste in yer'mouf.

New Orleans’ indoor plantation
~Emilie Bahr

Robin Boudreaux in Chicago

New Orleans great Toussaint feted in hometown
~Stacey Plaisance

WWOZ Servin'up Satchmo Fest!

Visit to Louis Armstrong's home in Queens reveals parallels with Kermit Ruffins' experience
~Larry Blumenfeld

Jus'sayin... ya'gotta be...FLEXIBLE! Talent smooth to the fine.

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