Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Mardi Pardi

Fight heats over discriminatory housing laws in New Orleans
~Jordan Flaherty, Facing South

TX Civil Rights Project Publishes Jail Stories from Hurricane Ike
~Grits for Breakfast

Disbarred lawyer appeals judgment in levee case
~Mark Schleifstein

Clockface Socrates
I've got a clock in my face... and it's laughing
at this time and space... it finds lacking
the will to arise... some shake to awaken...
that drive to arrive on this road so taken.
--I ain't got it today to fake my karma death,
stand behind a waterfall... breath beneath its weight.
I can always find a way away from my self,
no ones got go pay me for that.

I got plants in my place... and they like me
better when I play... or when I'm writing
my Comedy of Socrates, of his alleged death, er the possibility
-that they gave him Belladonna and feigned his martyr's wish
and stole his ass away on a stretcher. Then he wakes
with his friends, though the thinks he's gone to heaven
or wherever the Greeks sent their Questioners.

I asked my momma if she could find me
a pair of Black Cowboy Boots to take the Stage
in any neighborhood, on any crowded street,
in any antique doorway wherever the people freely meet
--lest they bust me playing Music
in the City That Care Forgot,
fine me a hundred dollars and say they better not
find me playing Music
in the Quarters after Dark
--and that goes for yer'little dog Flora
--and that goes for yer'little dog too!
Editilla d'Aphasia, New Orleans, Summer 2004

1 comment:

  1. That is a song for my upcoming CD, part of a Suite Marigny.
