Monday, October 12, 2009

Details of President Obama's New Orleans Rest-stop visit
and ticket information ~WWL

"Members of the general public wishing to attend this event should visit the following website to register for the opportunity to attend the town hall:
from 10:00 a.m. local time on Monday October 12 until 10:00 a.m. local time on Tuesday, October 13.
Not everyone who applies will get tickets.
(And if your last name ends in ACORN faggetaboutit!)
"Due to limited space at the event the White House will only be able to fulfill a limited number of requests for tickets. Names will be randomly chosen from submissions to the above website," the release said. "The randomly chosen individuals will be called with further details to attend. Tickets are not for sale or re-sale."
If you do get selected to take part, you will be subject to screening. "All attendees will go through airport-like security and should bring as few personal items as possible. No bags, no sharp objects, no umbrellas, no liquids, no strollers, and no signs will be allowed into the venue. Cameras are permitted." Get the picture?
~Editilla Sings Obamasequious. I Voted fo'ShiNola
when I could have had the 1st Woman President!

Yassah Missah Massah
~Wall Street executives seem to have this President's cellphone number and an open invitation to cocktails. Yet, despite our very real National Disaster, We The People get only a few hours to play a Lottery for a few seconds of face- time with our country's Commander in Chief of the Rogue Army Unit that attacked New Orleans on 8/29/05...
--and continues its assault on our city this very day!

~Mr. President, We Are Not OK Wit'dis.
Still, some hope...
If I don't get in, would someone please seek acknowledgment from him about how our outfall canal floodwalls fell down without even being over-topped, with a few feet of freeboard, solely because Corps engineers made incredibly negligent engineering mistakes and short-sheeted New Orleans and we find it offensive that he still calls it a 'natural disaster'. Tell him about the Corps' current stack of lies and cover-ups, their 'PR' efforts, and about how they recently de-rated the life expectancy of the $.5B pumps from 50 years to just five and tell him about their funny numbers regarding Option 1 vs Option 2 cost estimates and the foolishness of trusting the Corps to coordinate pumping during an emergency. Tell him about the fact that they nearly never make schedule and claim things are complete and ready when they are not. Tell him about how even their division general supports the district's fibs.

Tell him the Lower Ninth, which is a good example of some of our problems, is but only two out of the 140 square miles that flooded in the City of New Orleans because of federal levee breaches, and the civil rights violations are spread pretty wide here.

Tell him 90% of us evacuated before the storm.

Tell him the big dollar number the feds sent 'down here' was mostly in the form of flood insurance pay-outs and other money only 'allocated' and a bunch more for cleanup by out of town huge federal contractors and we did appreciate every penny, but the slander is very insulting being that 70% of us had flood insurance.

Tell him we are not a 'coastal' city. Ships travel 96 miles upriver to reach New Orleans.

Tell him that the flood, proportionally, killed just as many rich, middle class and poor as well as black, white, Hispanic and Asian New Orleanians. The only demographic that suffered more than the rest were our elderly who suffered the worst, by far. Tell him many thousands of New Orleanians died in the months after the storm from stress and depression, and are still dying from the stress and we need some serious help here with health care.

Tell him how and why the Corps is mostly responsible for the losses of our wetlands that used to serve as a storm surge buffer for New Orleans.

Tell him New Orleans has a higher percentage of residents who remain lifelong residents of their home town than any other major metropolitan area in the US?

Tell him the vast majority of New Orleanians are honest, hard working, tax paying, law abiding US citizens and deserve respect?

Invite him to Mardi Gras and Jazz Fest.

Thanks, good luck getting a pair of tickets,
Crescent City Ray

Funding puts levee feasibility study on track~Amy Wold

Coastal advocates pushing for more fresh water through Davis Pond~Nikki Buskey

Park service wants to backfill abandoned canals in the Barataria Preserve~Paul Rioux

Corps of Engineers PR opens "comment period" on gate change for IHNC Lake Borgne Barrier plan~Bob Warren

Hydro funds may be hard to find, in-river hydro projects on tap
~Ted Griggs

~According to FERC,
35 permits have been issued to four companies for hydrokinetic projects in Louisiana. The companies are Free Flow Corp. with 29 projects, Marmc Enterprises with three, UEK Corp. with two and 20 Mile Corp. (dba Live Oak Tidal Energy) with one.
Free Flow Power Corp. has targeted 55 sites along the Mississippi River, 29 of them in Louisiana, FERC reports.
~Please click Graphic to enlarge.

Public meetings on N.O. master plan set for this week
~Bruce Eggler

Bumpy road to recovery for Lakeview ~Jill Hezeau

Dillard University anchors, spurs Gentilly revival~John Pope

New Orleans Gentilly what a crying shame~Ken LaRive

Vitter pushes census reform
~With the census less than six months away and immigration reform stalled, Sen. David Vitter (R-Pamper) has proposed requiring the once-a-decade survey to include a question about a person's citizenship.

Insurers mount attack against health reform
~Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar

Animal Health Expo on Delgado campus spotlights veterinary tech program~Sheila Stroup
~You can get your dog microchipped, pet a baby pig, meet an amazing three-legged pony named Molly, even adopt a ferret Saturday at the Animal Health Expo.

Mission accomplished: Kayak odyssey from Itasca to
New Orleans~Paul Walsh

Meanwhile, on Mars...
~Running 'Cause I Can't Fly

Powerful 'Precious' packs a punch at New Orleans Film Festival~Mike Scott

With fewer paying gigs available, musicians face tough decisions
~Emilie Bahr

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