Sunday, October 4, 2009


Hate To Say We Told'Ya, But...
~Congress lets New Orleans down:
a Times-Picayune Editorial --paid for by your US Army Corps of Engineers

~Sen. Byron Dorgan, D-N.D., Sen. Bob Bennett, R-Utah, Rep. Ed Pastor, D-Ariz., and Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen, R-N.J., were the lawmakers who took the action that Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., called "breathtaking in its arrogance.'
Both Sen. Landrieu and Sen. David Vitter, R-Pamp., said that the Corps of Engineers was responsible for persuading committee leadership, through "back channels", to strip the language from the appropriations bill. That interference is especially offensive coming from the agency that built the flood protection systems that failed catastrophically during Hurricane Katrina.
~Editilla jus'tollin'ya~"Back Channels" are for jail punks!
Aside from the unbelievable coincidence that nearly all of those committee members had bad flooding in their districts just last year, what we have hear'ah is more than a fail'ya ta'comoonicate.
~The Corps of Engineers doesn't so much as "Lobby Congress" as hire public relations firms to advance their Stakeholder Interests in Congressional Districts across the country --where the Corps inevitably has pork barrel feeding troughs. Given that the Corps is on the ground in 45 of 50 states and that over 50% of Americans live within running distance of a Corps Flood Control Structure, one could understand the Corps' Special Hubris fo'da Peoples, t'wit: We The Survivors of their Failures, the American Taxpayer.
And yet, greased as we are, one might still not consider that the Corps might also deploy expensive lobbyists against our interests in Washington DC. Bipartisan My Ass Splitisan.
Smiling Faces Show NO Traces...

Tribe says it must abandon island community~Naomi King

Census plans special effort on the Gulf Coast
~Alexandria Town Talk

Fish Farm Clusters in Gulf Concentrate Pollution and Oppostition~Amy Wold

The man who will never be Mayor ~Library Chronicles

Where did our billions go?

And we are worried about Dry Walls?
I mean...come on...are those rows of armed women goose-stepping in pink mini skirt uniforms and white go'go boots? What? And they're wearing little white jazz berets??? What?????
Who are these Peoples? Where they Got them Boots?
The Borg? HA! The Borg's got Nothing on these blush replicants!
The Borg rattle in fear before the Charge of the Go'Go Brigade!

Will California become America's first failed state?
~Will Blog for Food

~But even Schwarzenegger is humbled by the scale of the crisis. At a press conference in Sacramento to announce the final passing of a state budget, which would include billions of dollars of cuts, the governor speaks in uncharacteristically pensive terms. "It is clear that we do not know yet what the future holds. We are still in troubled waters," he says quietly. He looks subdued, despite his sharp grey suit and bright pink tie.
Later, during a grilling by reporters, Schwarzenegger is asked an unusual question. As a gaggle of journalists begins to shout, one man's voice quickly silences the others. "Do you ever feel like you're watching the end of the California dream?" asks the reporter. It is clearly a personal matter for Schwarzenegger. After all, his life story has embodied it. He arrived virtually penniless from Austria, barely speaking English. He ended up a movie star, rich beyond his dreams, and finally governor, hanging Conan's prop sword in his office. Schwarzenegger answers thoughtfully and at length. He hails his own experience and ends with a passionate rallying call in his still thickly accented voice. "There is people that sometimes suggest that the American dream, or the Californian dream, is evaporating. I think it's absolutely wrong. I think the Californian dream is as strong as ever," he says, mangling the grammar but not the sentiment.
~Editilla Gotta'Ax~ Yeauuuuh, what's he supposed to say?
"Ja! Sie sind alle beendet worden!"???

Changing weather patterns affect local water storage ~Aquafornia

Louisiana book festival
~Greg Langley

Live review: Henry Butler
~John T. Davis

In Pursit of Bo Consciousness
- Part 5~Home of the Groove

Family Ties Parade Today, 1pm
~Red Cotton

Harvest the Music
~Lafayette Square (located in the 500 block of St. Charles Avenue, across from Gallier Hall).
This FREE, series runs each THURSDAY through October 29 from 5:00pm until 7:30pm.

Inspired by Adrastos: Already Gone

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