Friday, October 9, 2009


Obama, Jindal have a job to do: Save the coast -- an op-ed by outdoor editor Bob Marshall
~"So how about some leadership.
How about a national speech from the Oval Office by President Obama detailing the tragedy of our coast, explaining how the nation's thirst for cheap energy and a dependable industrial corridor eviscerated the continent's greatest delta, and imposed a death sentence on an entire region.

And how about doing it with Gov. Jindal at your side?

"Unpublished for two years"
~Your Right Hand Thief

~A federal Minerals Management Service study concludes what Louisianians have known for a long time: oil and gas production has taken a significant toll on Gulf Coast wetlands, contributing to this state's land loss crisis.
Tell me something I don't know.
These findings, which went unpublished for two years, lend strong support to Louisiana's argument that the federal government should bear a greater share of coastal restoration costs. Oil and gas networks serve the energy needs of the entire nation, and it's only fair that the environmental cost be shared, too. Unpublished for two years? Why?

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