Thursday, October 1, 2009


Corps to NOLA: Drop Dead (unless we get Option 1)
The Fix Was In~Matt McBride

~Also~Redaction - an ugly game
~Once again, apparently the Corps is going to let New Orleans drown if they don't get their way. In short, for the last six months, the Corps has been withholding vital information, and in some cases deliberately excising it from the public square, during the fight over Option 1 and Option 2.
In an Administration that is supposedly priding itself on openness and transparency, someone needs to tell the White House that the Corps is subverting those values as much as possible in an effort to advance an agenda not supported by anyone but themselves.

~Editilla Co'tellas~And By The Way...They're Heeeeerrre!
I know the DOD/USACE IGs both said that appropriate action was taken in the recent Corps Felony Computer Fraud, such as stopping such blog-ops. But, it appears that they have not, and indeed (perhaps emboldened by the IG Whitewash) they have expanded this activity, and hit this New Orleans Ladder yesterday 42 times, looking for Matt McBride / Maria Garzino.
Now at well over 20 hours worth of hanging out on your Ladder..
we think it is more than mere pusillanimous Brass Ball Envy!
Why the sudden USACE big interests in what an engineer of this caliber has posted on their Pumps House Gang Scam'doozle?
Below is a screen shot of only half --and they also dropped by this morning!
I mean, what are we supposed to do? Say Hello? Wave? Blow Kisses?
Hey, USACE, Suck My Toe!?!?

~Please click pic to enlarge~
~While I am not saying such a flood of USACE Hits on my blog is connected to their current Full Court Lobby in Congress against better Options for our Flood Control, ['Pump-to-the-river' fails in Congress ~Mark Schleifstein] I do think such Blog'Ops coming on the heels of this engineers' fine expose is rather, ahem, telling and fortuitous. As such we find it well worth re-posting, spreading and sharing Matt McBride's incredibly detailed layouts of this Slime by the Corps of Engineers New Orleans District of Manipulating and Redacting Critical Data and thus misleading (lying to) the public.

Obama Still Doesn't GET IT?
So the change we need is…a map
Quick, someone get this Corps- Laquered President a map! ~slabbed

~The big slab of the day comes from President Obama who apparently can’t tell a federal flood from a hurricane.
The White House on Wednesday indicated that President Barack Obama's trip to the hurricane damaged Gulf Coast will not include Mississippi, nor, apparently, the Gulf Coast. Poor Obama, he must be getting his directions, taking his cues, again from the Corps?

Could a New Orleans Flood Be Coming to a City Near You?
~Carol Forsloff

State Treasurer John Kennedy offers a compromise to LSU on WWL Radio, LSU refuses to appear~Save Charity Hospital

La.'s endangered brown pelicans make a recovery~Nikki Buskey

Jefferson Parish drainage projects get $16 million in federal grants~Paul Rioux

Worst year for New Orleans foreclosures?~David Cohen, WWL

New Orleans Solar Powered Streetlights To Set Example For Nation ~WDSU

Political turmoil in Honduras may cause citizens to flee to N.O.
~Lucy Bustamante

Aid, temporary morgue headed to tsunami-hit Samoas
~Martha Carr

Death toll tops 500 after second earthquake

First Annual Student Joan of Arc Competition ~NOLAFemmes

~NOFF Schedule

Chef John Besh's cookbook is his love letter to New Orleans
~Judy Walker

Polly Jackson's gotta cool new website!
~Y'all can check in and ax her about her new projects with cards! At right: Editilla in Frog mode, waiting for coffee. Well, No, but...

An independent struggle
~Cody Daigle

Soul Asylum's Dave Pirner set to play first Gretna Heritage Fest
~Chris Rose

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