Thursday, November 12, 2009

~Yay! Happy 2nd Blog'0'Birf Day! ~803 Posts! ~200 hits/day! ~Editilla Crow'tellas!

~Editilla Notellas on'da Crow'tella~
77,777 hits on yer'Birf Day! Hahahaha, that is just cool as hell.
If any'youz would like to know just how fast someone can run from That Flood, please do check and compare our first post
--at the bottom of our very first week alive, with today.
Go Down There. Climb that first week. Then come back always.
Too bad that Blogger keeps the Now sidebar instead of what we had back then, as I remember that part being a ho'nuther learning curve. I believe we used to have that piece by Carl Demolay "Crucifixion Road" (still) down the side, even before a profile, the city flag or the birth of yer oh'so humble Editilla. Crude, Baby.
I have been asked so here's the deal: Editilla was born about the time that Ashley died. I'm not saying they are connected, or that we were any more than newfangled blog'quaintances, but I will say this: we would not be here without the Sinn Féin...
... and a few other Nolabloggers who shall remain nameless...
--like Oyster, Dangerblond, Jefferey, Folse, slabbin sop'n'doucy, Citizen K, Da'Masqued E'Vinga, Charolette, Louisiana 1976, Adrastos, Liprap, Varg,, WCBF, WCNO, Maitri, Ray, Haney, Harry, Thanks Katrina, CenLamar, Rex, Big Schleif, OZ, Clancy... even Humid City Bless Loki's Goddamn Petulant Ass
and Mouf'Talkin Trash'baggers like Peters... thanks all.
I must say, you give me reason to peace at a time!

Before the Flood we used to go to the Alvar Library to use the "computer" to check our email. Before the Flood we were someone else, an artist with a dog and a studio in the bywater, writing suites of music about the Marigny, a comedy on the Death of Socrates and a SciFi Thriller about a clutch of bored neo'cyber- punks who play a game of Capture the Flag with snatched up homeless people on the roof tops of the Quarters, all in longhand, pages that are gone now, literally mold spores in da'wind.
We sometimes went to the main branch library, but there was this guy working there with glasses who also always looked hung-over and used to stare at us with funny looking yellow eyes whenever we sat too long... but I digress, anywayz, that was the extent of our "computer use". Then the Flood, and about a year of Darkness on the Road in NO LA LA LAND... It is a loooong story hacked out some here, but to cut to the chase, Harry Shearer was my first blogger, then I ran into the Rising Tide midway through 2007, the 2nd year (which starts and ends on 8/29 btw) and there realized that we don't have to bow down. No We'Don Bow Down.
Thus we launched the Ladder a few months later. Bow Wow!
Suffice to say this kept me out of McDonald's with a rifle.
Everyone thinks I'm kidding there, but I cannot print here some of the arguments I found myself into that first year out a bar for example, or even a check-out line, with real, stupid foolish Amerikaners, face to face, who just didn't know what it means yet wanted to, had to make a Point about it wit'da shabbier sides of La Pucelle d'Orléans! Never did find out what their Point was, because they were Not Allowed That around me that first year.
Nobody was allowed That then --or now.
Nolafugees know what I'm talkin'bout. It was hard to keep from getting arrested no lie because I was usually still Flood-armed to the teeth and these ignorant proles obviously didn't blog.
If they'd just read the Nola blogs... they would know...
then they would know what it means to miss New Orleans.
Because It Fucking Means What It Means,
Res Ipsa Loquitur Sinn Féin!
NOLA and her bloggers are a Difference that Makes a Difference.
I hope one fine day to be in that number, as we still tread the back hand path on the long road home... commuting if you will.
One fine day we will come in from the cold.
But for now, the Saints are Glory Bound, we have da'Ladda...
--and I hope that makes everyone happy!

Book Review: "Catastrophe in the Making: The Engineering of Katrina and the Disasters of Tomorrow"
~Boston Globe reporter gets “seal of approval”

Irony in the Making

Chris Rose to take T-P buyout
~Kevin Allman

Louisiana Politics: New Orleans Mayor Campaign Finances, Vitter, Melancon, Cao, Facebook
~Stephen Sabludowsky

~Numerous politicos, pundits and handicappers are projecting that John Georges and Ed Murray will be two of the lead horses running for mayors.
Entering the field this week is Orleans Parish Civil District Court Judge Nadine Russell who has long been suspected as being a candidate for Mayor. Earlier this week, Troy Henry, a businessman also announced his candidacy.
A number of candidates are talking about or are actively campaigning for Mayor running for Mayor. That list includes Republican Rob Couhig, Leslie Jacobs, James Perry and others.

Orleans Parish Prison and "Deputy Justice" : Violations of rights and hidden violence ~Amanda Mueller NOLAFemmes

A private matter, a public court – slabbed reponds to Judge Senter

Citizens Property Insurance may raise rates on commercial policies~Ed Anderson

Minnesota's legal system updates its disaster preparedness
~Matt Ehling

Speaker to discuss trend of business-controlled public schools~Barbara Leader

Brown pelican comes back from the brink of extinction
~Christine Harvey

~The recovery of the brown pelican is based largely on the federal ban on the general use of DDT in 1972.
These brown pelicans were photographed Wednesday on Salt Bayou by Scott Threlkeld
~Editilla Notellas~ We it not the Mighty Eagle, or the Smart Formidable Turkey, Ben Franklin would have recommended the Suave and Laid Back Pelican to become our National Bird.
Really. It's true. Honest. Come on, you know it.

Plant trees with Acorns of Hope
~Daily Comet

Replant takes more orders for free trees~Robin Fitsgerald

T.A. Breaux talks about rediscovering absinthe
~Tod A. Price

The imperiled po'boy?
~Michael Luke

The Jeaux Sheaux: call for writers and photogs


  1. Congratulations on Nolaladder 2nd birthday! I'm quite flattered and honored to be named in this post, and am glad, in some small way I helped you find the outlet that averted a "gun in the McDonald's" situation.

    Excelsior, Editilla. Press on.

  2. Why Thanks youz, Big Molluski!
    Well... it was either that or an armload of Hubig's Ninja Throwing Pies, and you try finding a Ninja outside of Louisiana. HA!
    But really, Your Right Hand Thief first to show me how to be fascinated with blogging and still today illustrates just how far one can spit into the wind while holding onto Superman's cape in a Thrash Metal Storm and get away wit'it.

  3. Happy, happy birfday, Editilla!
    You are one ornery, supportive, loveable Nolan and what you do here is truly awesome. There's no doubt about how much you love this city.


  4. Aw T'ank You, Ms Charolette!
    I remember the first time I entered the Beautiful House of the Rising Moon! one of the first ones I actually "discovered myself" sorta kinda... the 4 Directions, the photos, the Woman Thang, the humor.
    I really appreciate how you've stuck with ol'Editilla in some of my ahem more waskly'wapscallion woogery! Hehehe... really.

  5. Oh hell yeah! Congrats and happy Birthday from da Do Slabb Inn.

  6. Oh yeah! Slabber Nation!
    SOP, you and Doucy flat kept me from flying off into the abyss.
    My Herolleros on da"Gulf!
    One of the few I've scene who can Out-Title Editilla!

  7. The best to you.....may I say your words are always inspiring. So nice to know a man of passion who will not quit, will not bow down to the bad guys (we ALL know who THEY are), will carry that torch until everyone takes notice and says, "Enough!".
    I commend you for your wonderful, meaningful blog and they way you think! I wish there were more like you in this world.

  8. Thank you, Miza Wiza!
    You know how I love to hear from you.
    One of these days I'm gonna win the Lottery and buy all of your paintings just to open a Gallery for them, where they don't have to be sold, just enjoyed --or even adopted to good homes! We could charge whatever you want?
    I do call to the Masqued E'Vinga before sleep at night, just so my dreams will be jaunty and smooth to da'Fine.
