Thursday, November 19, 2009

Jeudi White Washes Corps' Graft on Garbage-filled Levees
~WARNING! Blatant Financial Conflict of Interest!
~That contractor is off the hook now, Mr. Herr said, because the corps accepted the job back in 2000 and 2001. So taxpayers will have to pay a yet-to-be-determined amount for repairs that involve replacing enough dirt to fill 350 standard-sized dump trucks.
~Editilla Sewwwellas~Seeing the Ad as Editorial
Why??? All sane citizens and savvy Gentl'rillas would of course logically ask that question: Why is this Contractor "off the hook"?
What Hook? What Hump? OK, if they are "off the Hook", then What Is Their Name? But NOLA.COM ASKS NO QUESTIONS WHILE THE CORPS TELLS'YA... MO'LIES.
It is bad enough that the T-P/ has passed over So Much Corps Malfeasance, but this Editorializing Nothing but the Corps Word with an Corps Expensive Flash Ad on the same page is getting very old and borders on Newspeak Hubris. PR News.
The term for this type of insipid "Information Management" is: Advertorial. Come on this is unmitigated Bull Shit.
Do we need Mitigation here? What we truly do not need here is a Fail'ya ta'Commoonicate from a Barker Mouf'Piece for Killer's.
Can we getta Witnaaassss?

The story so far ~Fix the Pumps
~The Corps is planning a round of public meetings to take input on the synopsis and the phase 1 RFP for the permanent pump stations. The first meeting is due to take place Nov. 19th
(details here).
They had previously scheduled such a series, with the first one scheduled for October, but they had cancelled them to gve more time to negotiate the Project Partnership Agreement (PPA) with the state. Now, even with the PPA under negotiation, they are pushing ahead with the first meeting. It is undoubtedly a cheap PR move on their part to tell a room full of citizens that the State is holding up their storm protection - a lie of course.

Panel considers proposed levee paths~Nikki Buskey

Review: "Ameriville" is a remembrance for Katrina victims~Kurt Brighton

I'm a f*#!%ing Eagle Scout, bra
~Library Chronicles

My Fake Life~Karen Gadbois

No Property & Casualty Implications In Latest Katrina Ruling ~National Underwriter

Flood ruling could bring new deluge of lawsuits
~Cain Burdeaux

Hurricane Katrina: It was not an act of God~Daniel Howden

MR-GO SLABBED: Judge Duval Rules Corps’ mismanagement flooded lower 9th in New Orleans following Katrina
~"Appealing Duval’s decision would be another Man-made Disaster with “we the people” picking up the tab. It’s time to say no!"

~Judge Stanwood R. Duval found that nonfeasance lay at the base of the flooding of East New Orleans, but that misfeasance was the cause of the "Lower 9th" and St. Bernard
~Editilla Notellas~ But, Not to be confused with the Corps deliberately, consciously building levees with Construction Garbage.

~"The judge agreed with us that Katrina was not a natural disaster. Katrina was a Man-made disaster caused by the Army Corps of Engineers."
~Pierce O'Donnell,
in LA Times.

~"I think he's called a spade a spade. Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans was a manmade catastrophe with a hurricane trigger. I saw the suffering of the people in New Orleans. Finally there is the potential of compensation." ~Dr. Ivor Van Heerden

On Judge Stanwood Duval’s ruling~Book Review: "Perilous Place, Power Storms: Hurricane Protection in Coastal Louisiana"

New Orleans: Where Accountability Failed, Liability Follows
~Harry Shearer

Judge rules Army engineer corps liable for Katrina flooding
~Mark Nero

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