Sunday, November 8, 2009

"Man With Balls Lives Here" Rep. Cao is only Republican to vote for Democrats' health care ~Jonathan Tilove
~In the end, satisfied that the House health care reform bill would not subsidize abortions, Rep. Anh "Joseph'' Cao, R-New Orleans, voted "yes" late Saturday night, making him the only Republican in the House to vote for a bill that passed 220-215.
Cao also was the only member of Louisiana's seven-member House delegation to support the Democratic plan.
~Editilla Gotta'tollya~ Rep. Anh Cao has now walked the Green Mile, to the place where "Man With Balls Lives Here!"
~And Thanks Youz, Big Molluski!

Why Cao said 'yes'
~Molly K. Hooper, The Hill

~When the time came for the vote on final passage, Minority Whip Eric Cantor slid into the seat right of Cao to continue pressuring the freshman lawmaker to oppose the vote and deny the White House any bipartisan edge to its victory.
Once the tally board lit up 218-213, however, Cao was free to put his congressional voting card in electronic key slot and cast an “aye” vote for the bill dubbed “Pelosi’s healthcare bill.”

He did it quickly, and quietly, while the rest of the chamber was applauding for having cleared the vote threshold needed for passage, the vulnerable Republican was recorded as voting for the sweeping $1.2 trillion measure. Throughout the several votes leading up to final passage, Cao was flanked by senior lawmaker Rep. Don Young (R-Ark.) and senior Rep. Frank Wolf (R-Va.).
At various points during the 40-minute period, GOP lawmakers approached their colleague for one final chat.

As soon as the House started the final vote for the day, Cao voted and dashed out the side of the chamber, plugging his ears in jest when reporters approached to find out what happened.
According to a written statement released later that night,
Cao explained that Obama had promised to help out the lawmaker’s district still devastated from Hurricane Katrina.
~“Today, I obtained a commitment from President Obama that he and I will work together to address the critical health care issues of Louisiana including the FMAP crisis and community disaster loan forgiveness, as well as issues related to Charity and Methodist Hospitals,” Cao wrote. ~Video interview with Cao.

School choice is a real test for parents in New Orleans
~Sarah Carr

Coming up in Gambit:
"D'Oh, what a week" edition

Slabbed... Nip'n'Beauxtoxed!

Train in Vain~Michael Newsom

Sunday Funnies~Citizen K

Budget issues call for new way ~David Hampton~Gov. Haley Babar's first term was defined by Hurricane Katrina. Now it appears his second will be defined by another disaster - the economy.

Above-average rainfall raises concerns about MS River
~Amy Wold

Folks Browsing the New Orleans Bookfair~What I Saw Riding My Bike Around Today

Sudan & Versatile Ladies of Style SA&PC Second Line Today, 12 noon-4pm~also~Shamarr Allen, Stogges Brass Band, and Bowling for "Silence Is Violence" Tonight, 7-10pm --after the Saints beat the Patriots
~Red Cotton

Lillian Boutté: New Orleans Musical Ambassador
~Squeeze My Lemon

The Manchester New Orleans connection~FoodMusicJustice


  1. THough I disagree with CAO's vote I respect him for it. I think he has underlying problems with the bill that must be addressed

    I should note the Conservative Republican Catholic side of the aisle is coming to his defense in various places

    Just a couple of links here

  2. It bothers me like Judas that Cao waited until the Bill was made Anti-woman enough. While I am vociferously Pro-Choice, I must hand it to the Catholics for their consistency in considering Masturbation Sin but not Mass Murder.
    That is what I'm talking about here. Not You, Not some celibate priest, not some legislator, No One has the right to stomp a Woman's Right to Choice in Health Care. Period. I had enough of Church and State during the Inquisitions thank you very much.
    Quite Enough of people who Mistake their Faith for Politics.

    That said, after looking at it in more detail, I am suspecting he was directed to hold off this long to make it look like he has brass balls, when in fact he has Dixie-cup balls, paper and full of nothing but air. His vote did not matter. So he could afford to wait it out. I wonder how far he would have followed his conscience if the vote had been closer?
    What I had at first thought of as Balzy turns out to have probably been simple Lacky.
    We'll see if he can deliver with Obama. I just hope he can remind the President that Katrina hit MS and the Corps hit New Orleans.
