Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Costco Removes Tomatoes In Anticipation Of Palin Visit ~Wonkette~Once upon a time a very long time ago (last week), a man attempted to throw a tomato at Sarah Palin and missed. The Salt Lake City Costco, determined not to allow the greatest possible attempted horror in world history to repeat itself on Costco premises, reportedly took all of its tomatoes of its shelves during Sarah Palin’s recent book-signing visit.
~Editilla Fetishizlas~
We have decided that Sarah is the most deserving, weirdest Piece of Strange, Fetishsista Nut'Oil Handmaiden's Tail to emerge in a loong time you know it.
And we like her in Red.
Tomato is a member of the family Bella Donna --Nightshade.
Also, Red is the color of, you guessed it, Santa, Lucky Dogs in the morning, tender the Color of Victory,
Christ on
a Stick and STOP signs. Red is the color of Abortion.
We see the Ho'Woly communion dominion of Red Sarah, but instead of wine we bring Tomatoes, and instead of feeding upon the Body of Her Exquisite Red Corpse we feed Her...Tomatoes. Yes! Bushels of Bloody Red Tomatoes upon Red Sarah's Italian Spectacled Brow! MMmmwhwhwahahahahaaaaaa whew!


  1. I would say "down boy", but your vivid prose creates arousing and disturbing images in my mind.


    Okay, a little more.


    Keep going.

    We need a safety word. How about green balloons, or make that red balloons.

  2. Hahahahahaha
    you and your Green Balloons!
    Hahahahaha whew!
    Thanks, Big Molluski.
    I really needed that.
    But, you should know...
    Red Sarah doesn't DO Safe Words.
