Sunday, January 24, 2010

Dimanche~Saints Super Glory Bound!!!!

Hurricanes create new mortgage crisis~Kathrine Schmidt

NPR Now Hawking Insurance "Weather Derivatives"
~In more recent times, business owners used relatively simple financial products such as flood insurance to protect property from soaking rains. Now, they are turning to financial markets to give themselves a little more protection from Mother Nature. They are using so-called weather derivatives to reduce their weather-related losses. These were created by securities traders about 20 years ago. They are futures contracts and options that allow parties to effectively bet on the weather. On one side of the agreement, someone will profit if the weather is mild; on the other side, someone will gain if the weather is terrible.
~Editilla Oh Snaps~ A win/win coin toss? Riiiight!
Nobody Loses when they bet on the US Stock Market!

Schrödinger's City - Do Watcha Wanna~Last Magnolia

Second Line to the NFC Championship Game?
But of course!
~Alejandro de los Rios

Ladies and Men of Unity And The Lady Rollers Second Line Parade - START 11:45am~Red Cotton

1 comment:

  1. Them Weather derivatives are interesting critters. Suppose you wanted to hedge the guarantee on a cat bond (The total return swap) with a weather derivative that paid if a Hurricane smashed the east coast. Or a Re treaty for that matter?

    If you intertwine enough players everyone will end up going bust except Goldman Sachs.

