Thursday, February 4, 2010


Drew Brees Fleur dis Lis!


~Special Thanks Ho'Mistickle Oyacle!
~Rut'row now it's started! HA!

Rooting Interest~Chin Music

Folly of Youth~American Zombie
~130 Comments and counting... Dayum! It would appear that the Zombie has struck a Nerve! However, Adrastos has got me thinking of Georges, animal husbandry and vile Aggie jokes though (don't ax how)... what if Georges had been an Aggie?
How many Texas Aggies would it take to help John Georges screw in a light bulb? 3 Aggies: one to get the goat, two to hold the goat and three to ahem distract the goat.

Speaking of John Georges basic dickery, husbandry, wifery and using Haiti in his Campaign Ads
~Received via widely circulated email.

Haiti sues Devil over broken pact
~The New Orleans Out!

Dubos - Council races offer a mix of familiar names and fresh faces

New Orleans loses 76 voting precincts in post-Federal Flood ~Bruce Eggler

Lets complete our morning with a cup of Jefferson Parish Political Corruption ~slabbed

'Insurance Journal' publishes Report: Economic Benefits of Levees Outweigh Flooding Costs

America's Infrastructure, Lack of Faith in the Government and The Need For Transparancy
~John Jazwiec

Canal cleanup arbitration hearing leaves St. Tammany president frustrated, but optimistic~Christine Harvey

High water prompts corps to monitor MS River levees

Corps can’t even clear existing levees ~John McGowan

Energy interests fretting over Obama's budget~Jeremy Alford

Insurance-reform, price-gouging bills alive in Legislature
~Michael Newsom

'Don't ask, don't tell' repeal
supported by Rep. Anh Cao
~Bruce Alpert

James O'Keefe's race problem
~Max Blumenthal

~Editilla Eugenicstellas~I'm tollin'yaz, we shall one day rue this boy's parentage and subsequent chromosomal cluster-fuck, in much the way we now discuss other serial aberrations of Society's Worst Nightmares like cannibalism, Nazism, Bushism, Corporatism, Funny'mentalism...
---drowning in an anthropological wet dream of Ismjizm!
We will ask ourselves how this little rat-faced former Eagle Scout could have ever been taken seriously in public yet risen to the rank of Chief Jr. Lt. Propaganda Minister of the coming Palinate.

President Obama's JFK Moment
~Buzz Aldrin

Pulp Fiction Thursday:
Holy Swamp Thing, Batman ~ADRASTOS

What A New Orleans Brass Band Can Teach You About Community ~Amber Naslund

Some believe in Funkin'Jesus. We believe in Funkin da Saints!



  1. Re: the O'keefe commentary

    Editilla, you possess a unique rhetorical bazooka-- and you're not afraid to use it!

    Press on!

  2. Thanks youz, Oh Mistick Oyacle!
    You know I'm jus'kiddin around mostly and ain't trying to hurt anyone's feelings or, goddess forehand!, make anybody's head ache...unless of course they like fucking goats, or look like Jeffery Dahmer and espouse complex eugenics-based theories on reforming education with the new mass media, or attempt to defend the Corps of Engineers NO District in any way, shape or fashion.
