Sunday, February 7, 2010

Dimanche~Bless Our Boys!

Glory Saints Win Super Bowl!


  1. Yay! Hope y'all are partying down!

  2. John, you got dat'right!
    judyb, I just couldn't stop laughing at those Brits bless their who'dat hearts! Hahahaa... sometimes it takes an outsider to shine it back ya'know? They did this with Blues too.
    I was most touched by the Times of London as a whole officially backing New Orleans, Who'dats and the Saints.
    I spend probably too much time ripping ass on those who would offend us and our city. Really. It's given me a sort of ahem edge.
    Sometimes it seems that we are way outnumbered.
    But last night I could feel the Nation go for us. I could feel the world watching New Orleans and wanting us to win. I could feel it. I believe that people think subconsciously that the soul of America has disappeared into the heart of New Orleans, hiding there in what is left of our nation's individuality.
