Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Lessons for and from rebuilding
~ Sarah Wilensky

~New Orleans and Haiti weren’t really the same story.
In Haiti, the destruction was due to a natural disaster.
In New Orleans, while we still refer to the event as Hurricane Katrina, it was really the failure of the Corps of Engineers that caused massive flooding, tremendous destruction of property and loss of human life.

~Editilla Cherry'O'las!~
Big Cherry'Os and Thanks Youz
to Sarah Wilensky for employing the opposite of Evil Katrina Shorthand, to wit:
the Truth! It's Still The Levees Silly!
Disaster Myth My Ass!

Duly Noted~The New Glitterati
~Editilla Crowtellas!~Well thanks youz very much!

NOLA Recycles 2010 will play a grassroots part in holding Mayor Landrieu to his green campaign promises ~NewOrleans.com

Minnesota Bridge Collapse contractor settles suit for $5M
~A court fight over the collapse of the Interstate 35W bridge between the state and its chief consultant was settled Friday, averting a trial that could have shed light on who was to blame for the disaster that killed 13 people and injured 145.
"Saying Katrina wrought devastation to New Orleans is like saying traffic wrought devastation to the I-35 bridge in Minneapolis."
~Sandy Rosenthal, founder Levees.org

Delegation from south Louisiana in Washington to seek flood protection help~Bob Warren

NOAA Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act Project Monitoring

LA. CPRA Awards Ducks Unlimited $1.78 Million For Restoration Project

Over 2,000 Acres of Louisiana Longleaf Pine Woods Saved by Ecosystem Investment Partners and The Nature Conservancy

Everyday is World Water Day fo'da People on your Ho'So Humble Ladder
*Here's one fo'da Commandette...

*Special thanks to Cheryl, Memphis Feme Fatale

EPA To Issue Stricter Drinking Water Standards

10-year, $1.3 billion solution for Fargo floods?~Corps of Engineers has plan, but N.D. and Minn. bicker over funding

Some Companies Thrive As Red, Other Rivers Flood

Precision Drilling Trust to Present at the 38th Annual Howard Weil Energy Conference in New Orleans

Entergy wants to keep nuclear option in Louisiana

Hydrokinetic proposal for Mississippi river~Lin Edwards
~Everyone is looking for alternative forms of energy, and one company proposes to generate electricity from the flow of the river Mississippi in the US, without using dams to control the water flow.

The Looming Water Disaster That Could Destroy California + Enrich Billionaire Farmers
~Yasha Levine

Flood Threat: Aging system could face decertification, requiring many AZ homeowners to purchase extra insurance
~Questions about the ability of the Albuquerque metro area's aging river levees to hold back a worst-case Rio Grande flood could mean insurance premium increases ranging from $500 and $2,000 annually for thousands of property owners.

Real Estate Developer named to first permanent position on Board of new teaching hospital

Healthcare wins!~The Lens
~H/TnT~Library Chronicles

Louisiana and attorneys general from 12 other states sue over health care overhaul
~The lawsuit was filed seven minutes after President Barack Obama signed the overhaul bill Tuesday. It names the U.S. departments of Health and Human Services, Treasury and Labor.

Old mother Hubbard in a new dress? Parishes questioning ties of RAMJ Construction ~slabbed

Phil Johnson's editorials document 37 years of local history~Dominic Massa, WWL

What's fair compensation for 18 years on Death Row?

Justices to Weigh Law on Gaining Citizenship via Parents
~Adam Liptak

New Orleans entrepreneurs merge commercial and social-welfare interests

Bayou St. John --- Photos of a New Orleans Neighborhood

Errol Laborde: Magical Times Versus Lent in New Orleans

Uptown in New Orleans ~L'Archivista

Tomb with a View
~Chris Rose

“Take care when you handle Cliche’ lest you draw offense of Metaphor, as neither will honor what they seem in life nor what you would wish of them in death.”
…said Down the Gravedigger to his apprentice.

“I could not agree more.” mutters Bourgeois to himself not alone.
His words fall like pennies on a damp vault floor, amidst the scattered sounds of fat raindrops as they begin to hit the tiny streets and little stone buildings of this city of the dead.
Above, shit-brown clouds fly over the rooftops of the Quarters like the surface of a dirt road as seen from three inches away at thirty mph. Yet he feels neither breeze nor disparate sigh from the rain falling now straight and steady down into the cemetery.

He had already seen Metaphor kill here, just minutes ago, before the weather changed. Now he needs to get away, get out of this labyrinth, get normal again somewhere hidden, before the Guard makes another sweep through the hood with their humvees and big hard spotlights. Thank Marie Leveau their helicopters are grounded for the coming storm. Cliche’ cares not for uniformed authority, as their spotlights and loud machines and the misunderstanding of control in their barked orders make her nervous. Whenever Cliche’ gets nervous Metaphor comes into play and the scene changes quickly, irrevocably.
Having seen enough of
that for one night, Bourgeois just wants find someplace more comfortable to settle down before the storm opens up properly and real darkness falls over the city again like a rat bag. Plus it just would do no good--at all--to be seen right now with the bloody twins, especially out after the city-wide 2am curfew--and especially after they both ripped apart and consumed four confident, well armed heroine dealers and their murdered Master Down.
Five dead humans you won't find a trace of in the social register of this or any other necropolis.

Bourgeois Melonsong is their Master now, for better or worse, which he already knew as the deal with Cliche' and Metaphor.

But where is the fucking gate out of this filthy old maze?
He came in through it, the only entrance, but still for the life of him he can’t even find the wall around the place in this rain.
If he could make it to a wall then he could work his way around through the Stations, always keeping to the right, along the Society vaults until he reached the front gate.

Cliche’ and Metaphor are no help, of course. They don't care, having grown up in these tiny towns across the city.
They lead Bourgeois along, as if he were a writer with all the time in the world to study the names on each address, ponder how they came to be here and when. Therein lies the tombstone rub... for he is a writer, and he indeed knows something of the stories behind the citizens resting in these beds of love and grief.
And he has no time left for any more graveyard dog tricks.
The Story of Down by Editilla O'rilla d'Aphasia

How I Learned About Sex

He’brews Debut in New Orleans
~Will Coviello

Cajun Black Eyed Pea Gumbo

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