Sunday, May 16, 2010


BP oil disaster in Truth and Fiction ~FDL
We know alot but what we don’t seem to know is that, it is being allowed to become worse day by day while BP finds a way to catch that oil. Anyone should have been able to see from day one that no attempts are being made to stop the spill, by crushing the pipe or perminantly plugging the leak. All of the attempts and Ideas are on how to capture that oil, right down to them inserting a smaller pipe into the leaking pipe, and that it will be all most another week before they can get a pipe hooked to syphon the oil up. No one is asking why they built the Top Hat, that Mini Hat, and even the insertion pipe, but could not build a pipe pinch off tool.

US says BP move to curb oil leak 'no solution'

The Disaster Disaster

1 comment:

  1. The Well Oiled Machine

    --by Horatio Algeranon

    The license for the offshore drilling,
    Required no plan for unchecked "spilling."
    The oily palms made sure of that
    In Washington, where our leaders sat.

    "Oil rigs generally don't cause spills"
    Our leader said, to pass his bill,
    "They're technologically very advanced"
    (Of an oil "blow-out" there's little chance.)

    Our scientists sang a different song--
    "If it can go wrong it will go wrong,"
    "One must consider a major spill" --
    But they had no ear on Capitol Hill.

    A short time later, the "Deepwater" blew
    Off Louisiana's coast and began to spew
    An endless stream of toxic crude.
    The "advanced technology" had come unglued.

    The "spill" was more like a volcanic eruption
    That even caused a bit of disruption
    In the halls of Congress, where our leaders sit.
    Offshore drilling took a major hit.

    Or so it seemed on first impression,
    From comments of those up for re-election,
    But pay close attention to what they mean,
    Because oily hands are hard to clean.
