Sunday, May 23, 2010

~Mississippi Gov. Haley Babar and his wife, Marsha, on Friday taped their part of a commercial to promote Coast tourism, which has faltered since the BP Oil Fail.
Babar's message: "The Mississippi Gulf Coast is open for Biz."
Crews shot video in Hancock, Harrison and Jackson counties for the $15 million advertising campaign bankrolled by BP.

RT @denhamatl: Who does BP follow on Twitter regarding the oil spill? #bp #blacktide #nola #oilspill

"We are an isolated community doomed to die''

Governor Jindal Meets with Coastal Parish Leaders, Announces New Strategies to Protect Coast to Fill Void

Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Terra satellite on May 22, 2010. In this natural-color image, the oil slick east-southeast of the delta appears dull gray. Sediment-laden water from the Mississippi is muddy-brown.
Due south of the delta, oil-slicked water appears to brush up against sediment-rich water, although the exact extent of the oil slick is unclear in this image. ~NASA

Brockovich: BP oil damage will play out over decades~Anita Lee
~She unearthed damage to residents of Hinkley, Calif., decades after industrial chemicals polluted the groundwater there. She is watching the oil gush in real time. She has visited the Gulf Coast states, from Florida to Louisiana, over the past two weeks to listen, learn, and to advise residents they need to band together to demand answers and action.
She sees a common denominator in all the environmental cases she’s worked on since 1991. “What I believe is that the underlying root cause of all of these problems and these disasters is deceit,” Brockovich said in an interview.

More White House BP Bull Shot
"It certainly has been weeks, and the government is doing everything humanly and technologically possible to plug the hole 5,000 feet below the ocean, and to do everything we can to contain its spread and to deal with its environmental and its economic impacts. The president has told the team to spare nothing in trying to cap this well," he said, later adding: "Every bit of government has been activated to try to plug this hole," White House press secretary Robert Gibbs told Bob Schieffer
~Editilla jus'gotta axe~
Oh? Aside from abject ass'forked capitulation, what about that Legal Problem which BP Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen keeps passing the buck to regarding what the US cannot do?
"Still, as simple as it may seem for the government to just take over, the law prevents it," Allen said.

How do we FIRE BP Mouthpiece Coast Guard Adm. Mary Landry?
~"So far, oil has washed up on about 65.6 miles of shoreline, about 25 of which are easily cleanable," Landry said.
~Editilla slams tongue in car door~This person sold us all out to BP in the first 2 weeks of this Disaster.
Somebody please get Rid of this BP Mouthpiece. She lied about the 1st TWO Flow estimates for her BP Beauxs, emotionally defended them at press conferences and, now that the public realizes this deceit, she wants to sound like she gives a damn.
She does NOT GIVE A DAMN ABOUT US and is the main person who has completely Destroyed our Trust in our US Coast Guard.

Dr. Sludgelove: Or How I Learned To Stop Junk Shotting And Love Teh Bomb ~emptywheel

Progressives Eating Each Other Over Obama's Fey Capitulation

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