Monday, May 10, 2010

BREAKING: Steve Theriot and Jefferson Parish sue bloggers. Subpoenas information on Times Picayune commenters, Slabbed mentioned in suit not subpoeaned with 100 John Doe-s

What few hairs I had on my head, I just pulled out
~American Zombie

Well, I guess I underestimated Steve Theriot.
Aside from the fact that this is an enormous waste of taxpayer's dollars, his sense of timing is impeccable.
Steve...I want you to get up out of your air conditioned office in the Jenni building and step outside. Oh, and on your way down the elevator, take your head out of your ass. Now, inhale a flared-nostril breath into your you smell that? Do you smell that nauseating, burning, diesel aroma? Do you know what that is? No, it's not the sewage plant on Earhardt. That smell, sir, is the largest ecological disaster in the history of this country and it's currently making it's way into your parish and up into the waterways of Barataria and Lafitte. That smell is the distinct bouquet of economic expiry for thousands of people in your governmental province.

Louisiana leaders asking BP about dispersant risks in Gulf oil spill, day late and dollar short
They asked for details on the short-term and possible long-term health risks for people and wildlife and on BP's plans to track the chemical dispersant's effects on people, wildlife and the environment over time. They also questioned whether BP will pay to restore the wetlands and fisheries damaged by the dispersants.
~Editilla gotta axe~ Does this sound like leaders with their hand on the ball or their thumb up their Butts?

BP Oil Spill Update: New Orleans Port, MS River, Fishing Open, Louisiana Business~BBuzz

GULF AID Benefit Concert to Support Gulf Relief Efforts

I can't help that much...
~American Zombie
~But those of you with full heads of hair...summer is upon us and what better time to bald?

Lincoln Mitchel and Democratic Party Jack Off on Louisiana BP Oil Spill Disaster for Politics
~Editilla Ho'tellas~ These are the kind of people who Yes We Shit-Can real Progressive Values. I just don't get it.
The Democratic Party STOOD DOWN when George Bush stole the election in 2000. I watched it. Reichstag in Slow Motion.
They had their chance but they sold us out to what they thought was politics rather than fascism. They gave us George Bush.
They could have stopped it in Congress but they sought to play the game and became ass-fucked jailhouse punks.
And now with an even worse disaster than the Corps' Flood of New Orleans 8/29 --which this same Democratic Party DID NOT confront as a man-made disaster-- they would rip on our Governor in the midst of it the Oil Hitting The Fan.
Why don't they just tell the American Voter that they are Repugnant Opportunists who don't have the Balls or Ova to confront Corporate America without taking their money?
I've picked on him, called him names, didn't vote for him... but our Governor Bobby Jindal is On The Ground Kicking Ass.
I voted for Obama and he Handed Us Off To BP!
Fuck Them! Fuck these Political Hacks and the Hubris they rode in on. Fuck their Faux-Progressive Boo'rah! They can kiss my Lily White Independent Progressive Southern Ass!

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