Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Corps overestimating cost of superior hurricane protection?
~The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers says cost is one reason they've yet to upgrade to what they've previously described as "superior" hurricane protection. But now there are serious concerns that the Corps' numbers for not doing so may not actually add up. "About a billion dollar difference," said Jefferson Parish Councilman John Young.
~Editilla Toll'yz~ We really hate to say it, really, but we toll'ya so. We said this over and over, yet some Nameless Corps Co'Intel'Bro Professional Bloggers continue to blow-job the issue, soft-handing it off to "a tyranny of incremental decisions" as if that explains away corrupt engineering practices, as if The System failed and not the disgraceful engineers who gamed it.

The oil spill and Hurricane Katrina: “natural disasters”?
~John McQuaid

Federal government extends area of fishing ban in Gulf
~The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has shut down fishing in 19 percent of the Gulf over which the federal government has jurisdiction, NOAA administrator Jane Lubchenco said. The expansion to 19 percent means 45,728 square miles are now closed to fishing.

Turtle deaths running high since BP Oil Fail~At least 150 sea turtles have washed up dead or dying along the U.S. Gulf Coast since the giant oil spill off Louisiana, a higher number than normal for this time of year, a leading wildlife expert said on Monday.

Researchers Ponder a Hurricane Hitting the Oil-Slicked Gulf of Mexico~Bayou Child

1 comment:

  1. "Gosh, I wonder if the price of shrimp will go up?" Idiots online have actually asked me this. Overheard two teenagers in the grocery earlier, one said to the other, "at least we won the Super Bowl before we go down." BP made 6 BILLION the first 6 months of this year and they're picking freakin nits and spinning it when they aren't withholding it altogether. The availability of shrimp? How about entire cultures going down in flames and the already endangered becoming extinct? And it just goes on and on with no end in sight. The anger in betrayal in the eyes of everyone everywhere I go is unreal. It's getting harder and harder to find the words. I don't know how yall Editillas can cover it like you have without going postal. For real.
