Saturday, May 8, 2010

Effort to place dome over oil well dealt setback, BP says
~The effort to place a containment dome over a gushing wellhead was dealt a setback when a large volume of hydrates - crystals formed when gas combines with water - accumulated inside of the vessel, BP's chief operating officer said Saturday. The dome was moved off to the side of the wellhead and is resting on the seabed while crews work to overcome the challenge, Doug Settles said.
And'dat Oil Man River he jes'keeps flowin' along...
~Editilla Hotellas~ Slight set back, riiiight.
You will now see a slurry of positive media cuming out of Joint Incident Command. I suspect Boom News, perhaps a new BP Claims center opening. This is getting ridiculous. Jump Shots?
As I listen to today's Press Briefing, it is clear we're in trouble deep. It's gotten to where the mere sound of Adm. Mary Landry's voice makes my blood curdle. I'm sorry, she doesn't sound true.
I am beyond ashamed, closer to Heart Broken, that we cannot even trust our own US Coast Guard --our heroes of the Corps' Flood-- to give us the straight dope even however bad.
This from BP Incident Command: "Analysis of the tar balls is being conducted to determine the origin of the oil and may take 48 hours to complete."
Try 1.1 Million gallons/day instead of BP-Command's 210,000 gal/day estimate. 1.1M X 14days=15,400,000 gal X 4lbs/gal=61,400,000 lbs of oil! Now THAT is a setback.
This is a serious problem when BP so controls the message our own Government is putting out. It is time to put a Stop to THAT.
WE SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING. And lest the Rest of the Country again thinks this is not happening to them, just wait until hurricane season carries the Red Rain your way.

BP Oil Disaster - Radar Satellite Image May 8~SkyTruth

Tar Balls Wash Up On Ala. Island

NPR Spinning that Americans don't buy Spin, says Obama is on the ball, we say Obama Handed Balls Off To BP
~Editilla Crowtellas~ NPR, who receives extensive funding from BP, apparently sees that we aren't buying the Joint Incident Command BP PR, so they come out with Advance Counter-spin PR. Get ready folks this is going to get even thicker as that oil gets ever thicker on our coasts. We do not feel that the Obama administration has served our interests. We feel that he handed the response off to BP. Just look at the Canadian Sat picture above. Did y'all know the oil is within 10 miles of Grand Isle, La?
That oil took a Lot Longer than just a few days to get that close. But WHERE HAS OUR GODDAMN COAST GUARD BEEN?
NPR sold out to Velvetta a long time ago.
~National Public Radio or National Propaganda Radio?
I advise y'all to keep your ear to the State of Louisiana.
I've picked on him, called him names, didn't vote for him... but our Governor Bobby Jindal is On The Ground Kicking Ass.
We will take have to care of this on our own anyway Sinn Féin.
I also suggest every coastal state look to their own State Governments. It appears that the Feds have compromised their efficacy and veracity by allowing BP to control not only this operation but also such Free Reign on our National Media to control the Information. We cannot afford this.
Been there Done that and have the Mold-encrusted Blood-Stained pictures to prove it! Remember 8/29/05! Remember the Flood!
Remember the Exxon Valdez.
~Special thanks~ Georgianne Nienaber


  1. You're tellin' ME??????

    I hate them too. For years now. No one has been slicker of bending over and begging the rethugs and corps than the Corporation for National Public Radio.

    Love, C.

  2. You got dat'right, Fox.
    National Propaganda Radio.
    I remember when they got that new Comptroller, the one who used to work for CIA Public Affairs.
    They are a slick bunch and you really can't believe a word NPR says any more.
    They did good coverage for New Orleans in the aftermath of the flood, but they totally pooed on getting to the bottom of what happened.
    They are plenty soft when its soft. But when the hard shit hits the fan you simply cannot count on NPR to give unbiased news any more.
    Rumor had it that the Comptroller I mentioned above is the one who fired Bob Edwards.
    I'd almost rather get it told by a real liar rather than a sheep in liars clothing.

  3. Oh god, SO heartbreaking, such a preventable tragedy. What is to become of us???

  4. We know Bob (Vaquero is a fairly regular guest on his satellite show these days), and he says, yes.

    They chose this road the moment Reagan was elected. Which says something about who they already had become.

    Love, C
