Thursday, May 13, 2010

Environmentalist speaks up with a strong 'Oh NOOOOO'
~Karen Dalton-Beninato

~This isn't an interview to read if you hope to have an appetite for the rest of the day, but it's important. Creator of Saturday Night Live's Mr. Bill and longtime environmental filmmaker Walter Williams answered my questions about what has happened and where we're at now, as millions of gallons of oil flow into the Gulf of Mexico.

Jim Brown on BP’s mess:
Who dropped the ball? ~slabbed

David Vitter, Jeff Sessions offer bill to raise liability cap after BP Oil Disaster to $20B
This catastrophe will easily pass the Trillion Dollar threshold, so $20 Billion ain't Spit. Think about that folks. $1,000,000,000/20,000,000 oh yeah no wonder BP is salivating. Come on you Senators, get wit'it and Take Off The Cap.

Rep. Bart Stupak: BP "Doesn't Have a Real Plan"
~Also~Says blowout preventer was modified

Deepwater Horizon owner Transocean scurrilously, scrofulously seeks liability limit
~Hat Tweet~facingsouth

State tells oil industry spill could halt production

BP Releases First Video of Oil Volcano (Update with leak estimations, new video) ~Beholderseye

Long-term effects on Gulf sea life unknown

Solar impacts on hurricanes ~Jeff Masters, Wunderblog

Governor's Office of HSEP ~Please click to enlarge map.
~Editilla Notellas~ These maps are taking on a Scantness, that is to say they are looking Cut-up and Compartmentalized as if holding back. In short, they do not look like the whole show.
We understand they are projections, yet we know there is oil on the land and we very much need to know what is coming.
These maps are drawn as if the authorities do not want us to Panic. We strongly suggest they drop that idea.
Nothing Panics the Public Like UPPER LEVEL IGNORANCE.
Here is the NOAA Projection of the same day. Load them up side/side and tell me we couldn't use a Tad More Detail?

'It Was Kind of a Black Rain Coming Down on My Boat'

It is actually like when The Raven comes home to Roost...

Why do we send our sons and daughters to kill or be killed in foreign lands, when the very para-national corporations we fight to defend prove that They Will Risk The Lives Of Our Babies Now and Future Families --and KILL US RIGHT HERE ON US SOIL?????
Why are we There if the War is actually Here Now?
Can somebody answer that for me?

Louisiana using Mississippi River diversions in BP Disaster oil spill battle

NASA Deploys Planes, Targets Satellites to Aid in Oil Spill Response

CA Oil Spill Clean Up Experts to Aid Gulf Coast Response

Blogging the BP Disaster
A small group of volunteer writers documents ecological tragedy in the Gulf

Head of EPA Shows Up in NOLA
~Gulf Restoration Network

~HealthyGulf -Pissed off about BP's oil drilling disaster?
Creative? Design a tee shirt!

And in the midst of it all...

An amazing song for New Orleans as oil stands at its doorway~Carol Forsloff

Editilla is learning this one in Drop-D tuning...Jus'sayin...

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