Monday, May 10, 2010

General Michael Walsh of the Corps of Engineers goes all Betty White with Facebook to harass La. Senator Vitter and lobby public for his own promotion!
~Editilla Co'tellas~ What a typical USACE Back Stabber!
After Disgracing the uniform of the United States Army before Congress, bereft of Merit for his service to the Citizens of our nation in New Orleans with the Corps of Engineers, this sly bastard has now enlisted the emotions of Military Mothers to work the Social Networks to bypass Congress. Please watch the video of the Senate Hearings linked above under "Disgracing the Uniform" and see this man in action as he slits his eyes and begs off to the Corps Lawyers, never has a straight answer and tries to Whine On His Military Service. WE SUPPORT OUR TROOPS.


  1. Are you freakin kidding me? Playing on the sympathies of military mothers? Use any pawn available? How much lower can they sink?

  2. Now, Bayou Child,
    don'hold back! I know you baby's in da'crib.
    Look, that is My impression of him, after he'd said Senator to all the men and Mam to the Senate Committee Chair Barbara Boxer, even before he started doing the Eye Dance.
    I mean, That was BS.
    Vitter, bless his republicant diapers, even got loud with Big Posterboard of the very Mandate so the General could see...
    and the General would say, Lemme talk to our lawyers.
    My daddy was a Lt Col in the Air Force, an electrical engineer, and farmer warrior against the Corps in his later life.
    Screw this pusillanimous peccary.
    How dare he.
    And if anyone wants to get into it with me about Walsh's tenure at the New Orleans District Corps of Engineers, Let's Role.
    We don't need this in the middle of a Thing Worse Than His Corps' Flooding Of New Orleans 8/29/05!
    This is Heinous. He is a Heinous Anus!
    I used to like that group of Military Mothers. The admin on the face book page used to do edit Blog Net New Orleans and was very cool. I support our troops. Really.
    I've never said a Word against our troops.
    Walsh is a different animal entirely, and I hate to see his Public Relations manipulate these fine ladies. I hate it.
    However, if that doesn't matter to them, if his involvement in the flooding of New Orleans doesn't matter to them, if his Obfuscation before Our Goddamn Congress doesn't matter to them... then they can kiss my toe!
    So there.

  3. Unreal. And it's obvious you support our troops. I understood exactly what you were getting at. Can't see why anyone else wouldn't.
