Saturday, May 15, 2010

Oil hits Fourchon Beach
NOAA/BP Oil Spill Forecast for Monday, May 17th puts huge oil suddenly heading for Barataria Bay.
Winds are forecast to be from the ESE to SE at 10-12 kts. into Monday. Ocean models show a west to southwest flow in the vicinity of the source - under these currents and winds the plume from the source will tend westward towards the Delta. However, Breton Sound and the Chandeleur Islands also have a potential for shoreline contacts throughout the forecast period. Very little oil was observed west of the Delta today on overflights.
~Please Note the difference in NOAA projections between today and what they have here coming into Barataria Bay just two days hence. Of course this blockish Rorschach projection doesn't account for ANYTHING going east of the 90th meridian north of the 30th, as if that stuff just disappears from day to day to pop up West of the MS River like magical turtle shit.
We have for now ceased posting the Governor's Office of Homeland Security Maps because they have become Dated and contain Even Less Information than these childish coloring books from NOAA/BP. Really it's embarrassing and we just have no time for the Shame of realizing that our own local leaders do not trust us enough to give us the Full Metal Jacket.
We Need Real Time Actionable Information.
We will give you all we can find, but we won't subject our readers to gentle propaganda designed to minimize panic.
~Gulf of Mexico - Visible Loop~Please note the actual weather forming over this BP Honky Fuck'Up.

BP Oil Disaster driven by complex ocean currents and eddies
~This NASA image shows a close up view of a massive oil slick (right) in the Gulf of Mexico as it continued moving close to shore, near Louisiana. Click to enlarge.

BP Oil Disaster–It Just Gets Worser and Worser
~Grant Lawrence
~Yep, we are getting the equivalent of one Exxon Valdez every four days.

Officials discuss efforts to keep Gulf of Mexico oil leak out of Lake Pontchartrain

2 Louisiana oyster areas reopen in Gulf ahead of oil slick from BP Oil Disaster

'Damaged' brand? Seafood industry deals with image woes from oil spill
~Alexandria Town Talk

In Louisiana BP Oil Disaster Did State and Federal Agencies Drop the Ball?~Bayou Perspective

Never Give Up ~Bayou Child
~Editilla Con'suellas~ Cajun Folk really exist.
This Peacock really exists with the Alligator that will eat him quicker than lightning. Native Folk really exists too.
These people and things you know through song and books, documentaries and drama, these things are Real and hold true in the real world. And they will disappear, I sense deep into the Bayous, into the Swamp Way Back Into The Heart of Louisiana.
They gonna take it all with them too I hope, but we won't say where. I just remember in the late '70s getting lost in 10 seconds on the water outside of Pierre Part or Bayou Pigeon, and those were the busy times for me on the drilling barges.
This we hope, because This Thing Bigger Than Everything is coming ashore on the Pelican State.
We are thrown again to our Wit's End, Sinn Féin.~Well dat's one way to face da'Slick --esp if you got no Ladder!

Oily pelican and more tar balls found on Louisiana shore
The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries found an oily pelican on the rocks Thursday at Sand Dollar Marina on Grand Isle. The brown pelican is Louisiana’s state bird and was removed from the endangered species list in November of 2009.
~Veterinarians working for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services prepare to bathe a brown pelican at Fort Jackson Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in Buras, Louisiana on Saturday.
"They had to reconfigure, but they are back down again with the riser insertion tube trying to get it into the end of the riser pipe. They are hopeful that they will be able to make some progress on that today (Saturday)," Salazar told reporters during a visit to the Fort Jackson Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in Buras, Louisiana.
He did not elaborate on the problems involving the tube.
Editilla jus'loves Pelicans more than almost anything...

BP Oil Drilling Disaster: VIP Flyover of Threatend Rookery
~Gulf Restoration Network

Effects from Katrina different in New Orleans~Roy Arrigo

Tiniest victims of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill may turn out to be most important
~Bob Marshal

BP chief backs oil drilling in wake of US disaster while we say bring in the US Navy and Seize the area and stop this flow by collapsing it shut with high explosives. At the same time, immediately, arrest BP Hayward and Seize All BP Assets in the Gulf, at least in the State of Louisiana and perhaps Texas, down to the butt'wipe in every gas station. Now We Pay The Cost To Be The Boss.

New BP Oil Disaster Metaphor! Houston Chronicle calls it: "Sewing", "Threading the Needle" BP'dazlin at the Friday Night Stitch!~BP worked on Friday to thread a mile-deep needle it hopes will help sew up a massive oil spill, and it received federal approval to inject chemical dispersants at the site of the leaking well in an attempt to dissolve the crude before it can rise and further threaten shorelines.

Back in Black – Glenn Beck’s Nazi Tourette’s: Thank God for Arizona Part Deux. ~slabbed

WWOZ Presents Gulf Aid
On Sunday, May 16, WWOZ will present Gulf Aid,
a benefit concert to raise funds for efforts to stop the oil spill from destroying our wetlands, as well as for fishermen and their families. The concert runs from noon to 10 p.m.--rain or shine --at Mardi Gras World River City in New Orleans.
WWOZ will broadcast live from the concert, so stay tuned to our live broadcast page for details.
Tickets are $50, available exclusively via Elevate Tickets.
VIP packages will be available. All funds will be managed and distributed by Gulf Aid, a 501(c3) nonprofit corporation created in partnership with WWOZ to ensure that all proceeds and donations are distributed to organizations to focus on two key elements of recovery - the wetlands/coastal environmental issues and the well-being of fishermen and the regional seafood industry.
You can also send donations to:
GULF AID P.O. Box 6917 Metairie, LA 70009
Follow on Twitter:
On Facebook: search "Gulf Relief"
Pennsylvania high school student holds fundraiser for

Wounded Warrior Project ~NPR
~PURPOSE: To raise awareness and enlist the public’s aid for the needs of severely injured service men and women, To help severely injured service members aid and assist each other, and To provide unique, direct programs and services to meet the needs of severely injured service members.

~Special Thanks Youz~ Citizen K!


  1. The irony didn't escape me...

  2. Thanks for the linkees-and for covering the oil spill with truth and no compromise-youz rockin' it and we know where to go to hear what's really going on.

    Ourselves alone.

  3. Oh Thanks Youz, Bayou Child.
    We gonna all have to go Way Back Up In Da'Bayou to survive this one.
    And those who don't have a bayou, or even what's left of them, will have to move north into the Sticks of this nation.
    But da'Bayou Folk will prevail.
    Always have always will.

  4. And as for you, K...
    Irony might follow you around like a hungry hell hound, but it chases me down like a junk yard dog!

  5. God look at that pelican, what a heartache-just tested the water out here, a trace of benzine-not good.

  6. Just got off the phone with a friend-oily shrimp found 20 MILES FROM HOUMA.
