Friday, May 7, 2010

Stop BP Public Relations Spin!

The Branding of the "Gulf Oil Spill", how a manmade disaster gets its name.~Dan Shapely
~The Exxon Valdez, which ruptured in Prince William Sound, is synonymous with its spill, and the company that owned the tanker. But a broad geographic descriptor – "Gulf Oil Spill" – seems to have emerged as the name of choice for the latest manmade disaster. That's what turns up most frequently in headlines, commentary and Google searches.
Why doesn't the brand include BP, the owner of the oil? Or Deepwater Horizon, the rig that exploded spectacularly to catalyze the leak? Or the rig's owner, Transocean? Or Halliburton, which is responsible for some of the failed cementing work? Or Cameron International Corp., which made the "blowout preventer" that didn't prevent the blowout?
~Editilla Sayz~STOP BP PR!
~BP has been accused of numerous human rights violations with their activities in places like Colombia and Turkey, among others. Amnesty International has condemned their pipeline that runs through Turkey, from the Caspian Sea to the Mediterranean, for displacing thousands of people, risking their health, and stripping them of their civil rights. Similarly, BP has been accused of benefiting from the harassment and intimidation doled out by Colombian paramilitaries to protect their pipeline there, which has also displaced 1,000 farmers. BP settled with a multimillion pound deal that assured they didn't have to admit any liability in the Colombian matter. ~Huff Post

Fishermen say too few hired for temporary cleanup jobs
~Locals say outsiders hired in place of them for BP jobs.
For thousands of fishermen whose livelihoods are threatened by an expanding oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico, the offer of jobs by energy giant BP (BP.L) to help clean up the spill seemed like a lifeline. But hope has already turned to disappointment for many in Louisiana and Alabama who complain that too few people are being selected. Some also say that out-of-state fishermen are taking advantage of a program designed specifically for locals.
~Editilla Rotellas~Given their obvious Jailhouse Hubris...
Who still thinks me extreme for loudly advocating, pleading:

~Special Thanks to Deborah Gage, Dana Blankenhorn @ Smart Planet and Big Kidooz to John Wright who made poor Editilla laugh so hard wit'da Piggies Video in the comments.
Have you seen the BiggerPiggies in their starched white shirts?

Twitter as Newswire for Discussing BP Oil Disaster
~Karen Dalton-Beninato

BP Oil Drilling Disaster:
Latest Spill Projections
~Gulf Restoration Network

Governor Jindal Signs Executive Order for Emergency Procurement Procedures

New Orleans Hazard Mitigation Meeting, May 11 at 6:00 pm
~Watershed NOLA

As Oil Threat Creeps Closer, a Rush on Seafood

Saturday is an opportunity to help feed fishers and hungry kids
~Judy Walker

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