Monday, June 7, 2010

Moving on and movin’ along: LSU fills van Heerden’s old position, Ivor signs with BP and where is Tim Whitmer these days? ~slabbed
~Editilla just gotta toll'ya~ I’ve read too much Kafka to have any patience with that sort of behavior. BP may very well simply Buy-off all the "experts" on Contract, thus silencing them. Aside from the abject heartbreak that he may have totally sold out, what bothers me the most right now about Van Heerden’s spoken statements on National Radio is that, in doing so, he is Tainting the Juries for inevitable BP Liability Lawsuits.
These settlements and fines will be based on Barrels spilled and Coasts impacted, as per the Exxon Valdez settlements.
Hey, Scientific Ambiguity has worked swell for Big Tobacco and Big Pharma. I have come up with a new term for the likes of BP:
Preternational Corporation.
What bothers me the most (and I can't say this enough) about Van Heerden's public statements, to wit: he is engaging in Jury Tainting for BP plain and simple. He is grossly underestimating the impact of this oil crime, which will definitely matter in court when everyone needs to eat BP.
That really bothers me. It isn't as much that he has to work. Hell everyone in South Louisiana it seems must now work for BP after our President allowed them to take charge of our assfucking.
So he's gotta work as a coastal scientist, but Why is Van Heerden doing Press Tours for BP and the Oil Industry, while everyone else from sick clean-up workers to beach tourists are CENSORED from even taking cell phone pics of the coasts????
Why? How can Ivor van Heerden speak to the Press and yet none of the rest of the citizenry actually impacted by this crime that Van Heerden says is "OVERSTATED"???
I still can't get my mind around that. Ivor van Heerden...
I just can't do the et tu Judas thing. It hurts too much.
But my sense of abject betrayal by someone I threw it all for is Nothing compared to the pain our coast will feel as a result of this bull shit. That is what really bothers me.
The babies who will be born into this hell with defects, the grain belt stained by the blood of this black swan, our people with their 100 year stares. The Pelican, blinded by the gobs of oil that Van Heerden has said is only on "tens of miles" of coastline. The Devil is actually an honest dealer. This is another Contract all together.

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