Tuesday, June 15, 2010

President Obama, are you saying we are so Fucked? Tell us about our latest Blow, you BPig!
  1. Editilla Editilla If Barack Obama could stick his tongue any further into #BP assets I'd say we should be tasting Spotted Dick any day now #oilsoill #bppr
Joe Cao: BP, Do the Right Thing!
~As the oil executives testified at a House hearing,
Rep. Joseph Cao said: "In the Asian culture, we do things differently," Cao said. "During the samurai days, we'd just give you a knife, and ask you to commit hari-kari."
~Editilla just gotta AXE!~ Oh? Vietnamese Samurai? Hey, Joe, where'ya going with that pun in your hand? MEMEFAIL!

1 comment:

  1. Love the Jimi ref. I'm sure the wind will cry Mary L, soon, too.
