Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Cleanup of spewing oil wellhead is under way in Barataria Waterway
~The accident between a dredge barge and an oil wellhead in lower Jefferson caused a 100-foot plume of oil, natural gas and contaminated water to spew into the Barataria Waterway, parish and Coast Guard officials said in a news conference this afternoon. Response to the incident is being handled by federal authorities because the wellhead, which is owned by CEDYCO Corporation of Houston is considered "orphaned" because the company is now defunct, said Deano Bonano, the Jefferson Parish chief of homeland security.

~ SkyTruth Huge #oilspill from pipeline into Kalamazoo River, Michigan yesterday - more than 800,000 gallons - http://tinyurl.com/2d4ffp8

Now the Feds say all that oil is gone???

BP expected to downsize Lafitte cleanup fleet by 87 percent ~WWL

These two Goobers look too much alike for Editilla to avoid the Total Creep Out.
Who'z Brownie and Who'z Dudley Do'Right?

BP Gulf Oil Spill Seeps Mapped In Google Earth – Feds Explanation Of Sea Floor Leaks Don’t Add Up
~Mathew Higgins

The Slick Is Dissipating~SkyTruth
~RADARSAT images taken July 26, 2010. Images courtesy CSTARS, above.

~68,000 Square Miles of Direct Impact

Research on gulf oil spill shouldn't take a backseat to litigation~WaPo

Some questions never get heard...


  1. Oh Lordy....is the Universe trying to tell us something??? Damn!

  2. Yeah... get yer'finger outta my ass?
