Saturday, July 10, 2010

~Crews to lay new type of boom around Rigolets marsh~Jeff Adelson

~Open Web Platform for Gulf Oil Spill Beats Media Boom Ban~Georgianne Nienaber, Known Media Felon In Drag

Anadarko won't pay big bill sent by BP
~Anadarko Petroleum Corp. won't pay the $272 million in oil spill related costs that BP billed it for last month. The Woodlands-based company has a 25 percent nonoperating stake in the Macondo oil well gushing in the Gulf of Mexico.
The company has argued that it's not responsible for costs arising from an operating partner's "negligence" or "willfull misconduct" — something it accuses BP of in relation to the spill.

~Levee District wants BP money to plug levee ~Nikki Buskey

~BP meets with Wal-Mart for oil spill cleanup help

~NSF Awards Rapid Response Grant to Study Oil Found on Alabama, North Florida Beaches

~Flooding Continues Along the Rio Grande ~Wunderblog

~50 Days 2 Year 5:
A Photographic Journey

~The Thunderbolts of Certitude
~Citizen K

~Grisly Mommas

Stage nearly set for Jimmy Buffett show in Gulf Shores~Mobile Press Register

1 comment:

  1. "Save Money. Live better"
    -- Horatio Algeranon

    "Oil spill cleanup on Isle 4"
    Boomed the speaker in the Walmart store
    "Dispersant needed in Fishing & Boating"
    "...And bring the polisher without doting"

    Observed Bob Dudley from BP
    "Very impressive, I must agree"
    "How much to bring this to the coast?"

    "A couple thousand the most."
