Sunday, July 18, 2010

Failed safety device on Deepwater Horizon rig was modified in China

BP now says well cap to remain closed indefinitely, pucks Thad Allen's mouth
~What? No word from Thad Allen? He said yesterday that there would definitely be opening and containment once the tests are over.
“As we continue to see success in the temporary halt of oil from the leak, the U.S. government and BP have agreed to allow the well integrity test to continue another 24 hours," he said. "When this test is eventually stopped, we will immediately return to containment,” he added.
Guess BP actually does still call the shots here? So much for Unified Command.
Welcome to BP Federal Unified Command (BPFUC)

Who's on First, What's on Second, I don't know is on 3rd with this BP Oil Cap? Is it BP Doug UnSuttles? Or is it US Thad The Impaler? Battle Royal!

If Slabbed can make it there, we’ll make it anywhere….

Oil shutoff only temporary
~Sandy Davis

Black Gold, Who’s making money from the oil spill?~Ryan Tracy

Crisis along corridor~Jeff Moore

BP Oil Crime could affect boat insurance policies~Masako Hirsch

Get up to Date on Gulf Disaster with Kindra Arnesen on Hardtail News Radio, Full Interview~Plutonian Mac

Wings and a prayer: A graphic short story of one brown pelican's journey of hope~Ken Harrison
~Beloved pelicans offer us a way to wrap our minds around the Gulf oil spill~Sheila Stroup

~judyb1954 one of the many bird species being treated #oilspill : Roseate Spoonbills with photo: 2 minutes ago via web

~skooks Boiling crabs. It's too damn hot for this.

Maine research trip starts to study whales caught in Gulf oil spill

Valdez spill's effects on fish raise concerns~Mathew Tresauge~Pacific herring vanished after disaster, and Gulf fishermen fear it will happen here.

“Florida Releases July 17, 2010 Gulf Oil Spill Situation Update”
~The Bitch Clown

Cal Fire sends mapping specialist to assist with gulf oil spill

Poll indicates that Louisiana residents don't fully understand flood insurance coverage~Rebecca Mowbray

Corps to increase MO River releases
~The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said it will start releasing more water from Gavins Point Dam at Yankton in order to evacuate flood water being stored in the Missouri River reservoirs.

*He is out there and he is Out Of Control!

Sunday Funnies~Citizen K
~Bwhahahahahaha Duke! Click to enlarge. More from Da'Citizen...

HUD to Hold National Fair Housing Policy Conference in New Orleans

Urban farming is catching on in NOLA
~Matt Davis

42 days 2 year 5:
A Photographic Journey

~ Editilla Harry Shearer's goes LIVE August 1. Tickets: #nola #levees #EightTwentyNine #BigUnEasy #gulf



  1. The G Mule/DDB video is killer. I've watched it about a thousand times over the years.

    Back in the 90s, when Warren had first spun them off, I saw them do a great show on a bill with Galactic and Widespread Panic. Later in the afternoon, I'm standing in some shade under the bleachers watching one of the bands. I hear a noise to my right, take a glance, and there's Warren standing next to me. Genuinely nice guy who really appreciated it when I told him how much I had enjoyed their set.

  2. I just can't take Favorites on guitar players anymore, but Warren is up there in the tops.
    I have yet to see Warren, or Derrick Trucks, but I did get to stand in the middle of a festival where at one end was Parliament Funkadelik and at the other end was the Allman Bros... and me in the on mushrooms (lots of them:)... it was pretty damn cool actually... one ear was Flashlight and the other ear was Midnight Rider... and of course the middle was a whole nuther story hehehe...

  3. I've seen Derek quite a few times, with his own band, the Soul Stew Revival, the ABB. The way to see him is in a club -- just awesome.

    Saw an ABB/Dead extravaganza a few years back. Warren played in both bands. He was on stage for nearly 5.5 hours.

    The last few days I've been grooving to pre-Lowdown Boz Scaggs. Loose and warm blue-eyed soul-- not the calculated, metallic feel of everything after. The 70s were a great time for music -- too bad no one knows that!
