Monday, July 19, 2010

A New Orleans Diary -- Leaving Town, After Six Months~Harry Shearer
~ pbodenheimer Apparently I am an urban farmer without realizing it. Meet my new chicken friend living under my front steps.

Proof campaign to fight Katrina Shorthand is working
Q: Why was New Orleans built in such a stupid location?
A: New Orleans is right where she needs to be.
Editilla Answer: Where the hell else do you locate a major sea port, Nimrod?

~Two tropical waves worth watching~Wunderblog

290 Exposure-Related Cases; Officials Continue to Monitor Health Impacts ~LA Dept of Health and Hospitals

Cajuns staying put despite oil spill toll

White House says BP cap is leaking, chain of command still uncertain
~Updata~ Thad Allen reverses himself, bends over for BP, backs up lo, slow and easy to pull the Corporate Gravy Train
skooks skooks Strangest quote ever RT @NOLAnews BP's Kent Wells: "We're in a good position to not have a catastrophic event"
Editilla Editilla @skooks In engineering terms he's admitting Failure--just not Catastrophic. Of 56 NO-COE "Events" 8/29/05, only 3 were labeled catastrophic.
~Editilla Twits Out~
I gotta add here, those 3 Catastrophic "Events" were the 17th Street Canal Failure, the London Ave Canal Failure and the Industrial Canal Failure, which indisputably accounted for 80% of the flood water to devastate New Orleans that fateful day.
The word "Event" carries a very specific set of definitions to every engineer I grew up with or have spoken to regarding Failure. Engineers do not like to hear the word "Event". Katrina was NOT the "Event". When an engineer hears the word "Event" they want to know to what degree it involves their engineering.
Engineers that I know simply don't speak in abstract terms about Engineering Failure. That an "Event" contains a Failure of a Structure is not the Question.
The Question is the Degree of Failure, and Catastrophic means FUBAR.

~Pelicans fly over a sunrise service at the Gulf Shores State Pavilion in Gulf Shores, Ala. July 18, 2010.

Obama launches policy to protect nation's oceans?~Mark Schleifstein
~Editilla Crowtellas~Isn't His'O'ner a little slow on the dip stick here? Sometimes, Obama's utter clueless bourgeois naivete on this oil spill makes me laugh/cry so hard I could shit tar balls. Plans? His'O'ner has Plans? He's got PR.
Obama's got 2 years. Then he's got nothing and it's Sayonara Sucker. Who is it for 2012 and will they be another Oil Industry cock sucker? Hillary? Bo'Joe?

Children on mission to save sea turtles from oil spill disaster
~Alexandria Town Talk

Emergency Drive to Save Gulf's Latest Victims: Abandoned Dogs

Hearings: Underwater robot maker fails to appear, meeting adjourns

Drilling Ban Judge Won’t Step Down Due to Investments
~Much more detail on this Profiteer King Judge, here from Slabbed

RICO law made to combat Mafia now used by plaintiffs in BP lawsuits

Gov. Bobby Jindal seeks expedited seafood testing to reopen commercial fishing~Paul Rioux

Focus turns to future of shellfish, marshlands

Louisiana biologist sees future in shrimp crawfish

Fresh Water Aimed at Oil Kills Oysters

New Orleans Sewerage & Water Board Creates New Marsh ~WWL

1 comment:

  1. I get so tired of that "Why was New Orleans built in such a stupid location" question. NOLA was originally built on the highest point of groundthe furthest inland that the ships of its day could draw water.

    The location makes perfect sense. It remains the best site possible for a port on the mouth of the Mississippi. There's no way that the United States was not and will not have a port in this location: It's strategically and economically vital.
