Tuesday, July 6, 2010

System in place to try to minimize impact of oil in Lake Pontchartrain

BP / Gulf Oil Spill - July 4th Weekend
~With oil continuing to billow into the Gulf of Mexico from BP's failed Macondo well, the holiday weekend brought little cause for celebration, and no break for the folks working hard to clean up the oil coming ashore and to plug the leaking well. Oil was reported for the first time in Lake Pontchartrain, and the discovery of tar balls on some Texas beaches means this spill is now directly impacting all of the Gulf states.~SkyTruth

Sand berms a dubious solution:
A guest column by Len Bahr

Corps rejects barrier plan~Sandy Davis

While Jimbo the Clown and his sidekick Mikey the Cook are MIA, BP claims go unpaid ~slabbed

Oil out of sight out of mind settles in several layers deep into Pensacola beach sand

Patterns in Oil: 4 Gulf Oil Spills Prior to 4/21 and Ponchartrain Tar Balls
~Green Heritage News

~Please also see Fix the Pumps

Tar Balls Hit Texas, Whose Governor Said The BP Disaster Was An ‘Act Of God’ ~Think Progress

Why it's important to surf the fringe ~American Zombie

Are DOJ and DOI Making A Competent Legal Effort On Gulf Moratorium? ~Emptywheel

Our Barbarous Ancestors~Citizen K

Post-Katrina N.O. Richer, More Blighted ~Gambit

54 Days 2 Year 5:
A Photographic Journey


  1. Ima Wizer has left a new comment on your post "System in place to try to minimize impact of oil i...":

    Does the Corps EVER do anything logical and right????? EVER????

    No, Miza Wiza! The Exquisite Corps reeks of devil's hubris!
    I posted your comment here cause the email thingy got woogie.

  2. [More Comment Transfer]
    Coastal Cowboy has left a new comment on your post "System in place to try to minimize impact of oil i...":

    Welp pardners, it appears the berm has turned.

    Editilla Retarts...HA! Youz!

  3. The Fringe
    -- by Horatio Algeranon

    When scientists understand a lot
    The fringe is an unlikely spot.
    But when the science is unclear
    The fringe is neither far nor near.

  4. As I read Len Bahr's article, Boob Bob promotes a scientifically suspect project as a panacea, muzzles the scientists who might point out that his little pet has wet the rug, and uses Oil Man River to pay off dredging interests. And this is a can-do governor with a 74% approval rating? Are Louisiana voters drinking the oil?

  5. They say it is in the water table now. Alas, Bobby nursed on a different teat from many of the rest of us?
