Monday, August 16, 2010

Update on TD5
~An air force reserve unit reconnaissance aircraft investigating the remnants of Tropical Depression 5 found a weak surface circulation located about 120 miles east of the mouth of the Mississippi River. However, the associated showers and thunderstorms remain disorganized and mostly removed to the southwest of the low-level center.

It was The Flood of 8/29.
Why can't we call it simply that then everyone will know. The Flood of 8.29.05
To call it Katrina 5 is to bow to the Corps of Engineers. Period, and it is a low bow to the flooded ground. No more.
Can y'all join me in writing to the Director of the Louisiana State Museum to change the title and trust of marketing for their upcoming exhibit
"Katrina and Beyond"?
~"Living with Hurricanes documents the human struggle in the face of a natural disaster, incorporating everything from survivors' personal mementos to their thoughts and feelings.
It documents how the recovery has brought about innovations — turning the region into a laboratory of new ideas."
— Museum Director, Sam Rykels

That is a Lie. Let's write Sam and set him straight. Be nice. Don't say anything that you couldn't imagine your Ho'So Humble Editilla saying. HA!
While it is bad enough that our local journalist Bruce Nolan would continuously, lazily proffer this falsehood, I'm growing increasingly disturbed by the idea that our State Museum would enshrine Katrina as the cause of The Flood of 8.29.05.
Please think about that for Posterity's sake. Do you want grandchildren hearing about Katrina? Or wouldn't it be better for generations of our children to always know why New Orleans flooded 8.29.05: our US Army Corps of Engineers?
So this won't happen again? Right?
~ Editilla Jus'sayin, this is some fine Habanero sauce #hotsauce #nola #nolaeats

Ga. scientists: Gulf oil not gone, 80 pct remains ~The scientists say as much as 80 percent of the oil still lurks under the surface. The Georgia team said it is a misinterpretation of data to claim that oil that is dissolved is actually gone. The report from University of Georgia and other scientists came from an analysis of federal estimates.
~Hat Tweet~Whodat35

Ala. Gov. Riley's order limits attorneys fees in Alabama's oil spill suit

New Orleans Judge Barbier Will Hear Gulf Spill Cases

Gulf Oil Spill and Memphis Seafood

Bird Care In Numbers

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