Friday, August 20, 2010

Way to Geaux, Mitch'Mo!
~"We've had hell and high water, pain and salvation," Landrieu said.
"We've survived Katrina, Rita, Ike, Gustav, the great recession and the BP oil catastrophe. The message is clear: Through it all, we are still standing unbowed, unbroken and ready to embrace whatever challenges come our way."

~"And while the oil gushed into the Gulf for 85 days, BP constantly dragged its feet to clean up and compensate, missed meetings, and seemed to react to the crisis with disdain," Landrieu said.
"They just wanted their life back as if it were our fault. And, once BP is finishing pillaging our coast for all that it is worth, while shirking their responsibility, they are poised to, in my opinion, cut and run."

Follow the Zombie...time on our side
~As Our Dauntless Herolero takes apart Cedric Richmond with Zombie Patience, Zombie Hunger, we see again how political criminality ain't Rocket Surgery --though just as freaky and twice the fun to consume! Feed the Zombie.

It’s official! SLABBED welcomes Allstate to the Branch qui tam case!

How much better is flood protection?
~Sabrina Wilson, WVUE

Fortifying the Wall – BP Accused of, and the NOAA Withholds…Information
~Disenfranchised Citizen

La. Scientist's Oysters Safe From Oil, But Pricey

Scientists find oil plume deep under Gulf~Sandy Davis

Tenn. Deluge Washes Out Rail Line

9 Days 2 Year 5:
A Photographic Journey


  1. While never a particular fan of politicians and while I can't say I agree with him in total...Mitch Landrieu...I'm loving this guy right now...on one part because its interesting to hear a New Orleans mayor with ideas and the will to follow through and also in part still recovering from the Ray Nagin hangover of numbing nothingness

  2. Tru'dat, Barrack sho'stuck his finger in My ass.
    But I'm liking Mitch'mo too --and damned surprised by this.
    Hell, he's the closest thing I've seen in a long time to someone "our age" elected to office, and I really like his t-shirts. (If only we could get him into one from the Dirty Coast:).

  3. Don't like him too much, he is a career politician from a family of them. That way you won't be disappointed too much later on.

    Sign me cynical and jaded.

