Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Corrosion of America
~Bob Herbert
~The horror stories abound: the drowning of New Orleans when the levees failed in 2005, the 2007 explosion of an ancient steam pipe in Manhattan that killed one person and injured more than 30, the gas pipeline explosion and fire last month in San Bruno, Calif., that killed seven and injured more than 50. There are endless other examples, tragic, costly and unnecessary. The sorry state of America’s infrastructure is a hard-core reflection of what is really going on in this increasingly hapless society, whether we choose to acknowledge it or not.

~Latest interview with Harry Shearer on The Big Uneasy

West Bank levee work could come at expense of east bank projects as Corps of Engineers shell-games more funding
~Editilla Cotellas da'Rotella~But OH SNAP, the Corps has the funding for a 4400 sq foot dining hall?~Request For Proposals (RFP) - Solicitation No. W912P8-11-R-0004 Cafeteria/Concession Services at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District, 7400 Leake Ave., New Orleans, LA 70160
~Special Thanks to Sandy Rosenthal @ Levees.org for hipping da'Tilla to this expensive piece of grotesque infrastructure gastronomy.
Talk about eating the Tax Payers' lunch! HA! To quote one nameless Knight Herolero Engineer (who hasn't given Editilla permission to print his name:)
"Also, why not help the local restaurants out by going out to lunch? A cafeteria seems like an extravagant, selfish waste of money when most private sector large businesses closed their cafeterias down years ago. Everyone else in the city can brown bag it, why can't they?"

Levee District joins mayor in mulling tax increase~Ariella Cohen

S&WB officials detail upcoming Uptown drainage construction projects

Smart Levee Project
~The pilot installation will monitor a one mile stretch of the levee that protects the city of New Orleans from a breach caused by natural or man caused disaster. The system will collect critical 'levee status data' from monitoring sensors installed throughout the flood control system. Real time information is transmitted via satellite uplink to an interactive data center to advise and warn of any potential problems or actual levee failure that could forerun catastrophic consequences.

3-D version of Gulf oil spill is being crafted ~Mark Schleifstein

Scientists say oil is still out there in the Gulf~WWL

“May spark a whole new debate”: Scientist “astonished” that he found so much crude — Questions whether NOAA “dramatically understated” amount of oil in Gulf
~Florida Oil Spill Law

Furious Growth and Cost Cuts Led To BP Accidents Past and Present
~Abrahm Lustgarten

City Council may scavenge money from separate boards~The Lens

Surely Allstate doesn’t think Judge Sarah Vance is the “other brother Darryl” ~slabbed

Happy Birthday Doonesbury!
~"I had given no consideration to a career in cartoons," Trudeau says now. "I thought I was on track to become a graphic designer. So I asked for a one-year contract. My editors howled with laughter."
You could say that was the first Doonesbury joke, and readers have been howling with laughter ever since. And not just laughing. They've been frowning, shouting, crying, blushing – the full gamut of emotions – as a result of a strip that broke the mould of the comic page and shattered countless conventions. Over the last four decades Doonesbury has established itself as so much more than a traditional cartoon. It is a soap opera, a tragedy, a comedy, an investigative agency, a liberal political commentary, a scourge of pomposity and corruption, a humanitarian exercise, all rolled into one.

Superman Earth One – Money Back Guarantee ~BSI Comics

New Orleans Healing Center's Third Annual Anba Dlo: Apology to the Waters Halloween Weekend Extravaganza!

Mahony's~Blackened Out

'Never Fight a Shark in Water'
~Will Coviello, Gambit

"AQUAZOA: Micro Dramas in Peril" ~NewOrleans.com

Van Dyke Parks with Clare and the Reasons Wednesday night!

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